User:Thijshijsijsjss/Human Parser/About Dissociation

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Necessary. This annotation is meant to give a (my) 'definition' of dissociation, or a clear illustration of it. (might be important to note I am not necessarily referring to the DSM5 def nor to the associated labels) Can be short? Can be long?

I am unsure about the form of this annotation. Below is just some meta writing so that the second reader at least has the important definitional info!

This is a personal account, not meant to exhaust the wide range of experiences that are captured by the term in psychological, psychiatrical, bussiness, colloquial or ...other... settings. In particular, I am not referring strictly to the term as understood in psychology, nor to any of the five 'dissociative disorders' specified by the DSM-5.

For me, disossiaction is the experience of an (involuntary) disruption and distancing in your sense of identity, a disconnect between your thoughts, feelings, actions and self-perception, a mismatch between how you experience the world, and how the world experiences you the detachment that comes from that, the doubt and misunderstanding and discomfort ... the inescapable loudness of the questions: who am I?