User:Tancre/Special Issue 9/A shadow library based on GIT
- integrity of the book VS its disgregation > track the evolution in a timeline / Epub (zipped Vs unzipped),
- networks of books (and other media) / disgregation of the book in the ecosystem of information > 'augmented epub'
- annotation in the broadest sense(texts, notes, other media, metadata...) > push and edit contents, in an augmented epub
- collaboration > social network / allow to merge forks
- subjectivity VS objectivity > forks and timeline
- allow piracy (as changing the text) > forks and timeline
How it can be a shadow library on a Git platform?
Using the 'augment Epub', a Git platform would allow working on the unzipped Epub.
In this way, users could:
- push and edit contents into the 'augmented Epub' (adding folders and other contents).
- create different versions through forks.
- merge forks to gather more content
- track the evolution of a text in its disgregation, from a starting point.
- maintain the unity of the book while allowing to expand its content (in an augmented Epub). World of reference created from a starting point and from the point of view of a book. Networked book?
- change the actual content of the book (its main text), without losing the historical starting point, the original text.
- download the epub zipped to visualize it as unitarian