User:Ssstephen/Reading/The Community Memory Project

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki
The designers of Community Memory would like to see a world not broken up into nation-states or corporate states, but one built upon many overlapping regions of concern: from household to neighbourhood to interest group or work group, from geographical region to globe, where decisions are made by all those affected.

dreams of unmediated person-to-person communication, was this impossible before computers? a bulletin board and soapbox that anyone (but accessibility) can add to. how do computers make it easier and also how do they make it harder? easier: non geographic communities are easier to form, anonymity can be liberating, distances can be made smaller, intimacy can be increased. harder: anonymity can be cruel, computers can be confusing, distance can be frustrating, intimacy can be limited. do computers help us to navigate complexity or throw it in our faces to scare and intimidate us? when someone opens a channel of communication from home or the other side of the planet what happens? you realise yet again that they are a real person. you remember the last time you laughed together, or the time it all got a bit too intense. you laugh at something new. you cry together, you speak, you listen. you entangle some more just like every time you talk to anyone. even attempted communication has to be appreciated, and if its successful should be celebrated. we're still just trying to work it all out together, same as we've always done.