User:Simon/Library of Contingencies
About the Library of Contingencies
The Library of Contingencies is a digital collection of the cards produced for the text Tasks of the Contingent Librarian. The interface consists of a website with two iframes, into which an "obverse" and a "reverse" of each card is displayed. On the obverse is a task and its description, and on the reverse are images and related snippets. It follows a similar logic and offers similar affordances as the printed cards, but with the addition of snippets makes reference to concrete examples of the practice I have been developing with the bootleg library.
The content for the site is pulled from the pziwiki, with the "obverse" listed in my namespace of the wiki (User:Simon), and the "reverse" in the discussion section (User_talk:Simon).
All the obverse cards are transcluded in the Tasks of the Contingent Librarian page, and all the reverse cards are listed in Category: Library Snippets
To pull the content from the wiki, I'm using a python script called "", which looks for any pages and images in these sections of the wiki, converting the text from mediawiki format to HTML, and rewriting links to images for thumbnail and full size versions:
import argparse, os, sys
from mwclient import Site
from urllib.parse import quote as urlquote
import html5lib
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Dump wiki files to html")
p.add_argument("--host", metavar='', default="", help='wiki host')
p.add_argument("--path", metavar='', default="/mw-mediadesign/", help="Wiki path. Should end with /")
p.add_argument("--output", default="pages", help="Output path for pages")
p.add_argument("--category", default="Tasks of the Contingent Librarian", help="Category to query")
args = p.parse_args()
# print(args)
# site and login
def catmembers (c):
prefix = c.get_prefix('cm', True)
kwargs = dict(c.generate_kwargs(prefix, prop='ids|title', namespace=None,
sort='sortkey', dir='asc', start=None, end=None,, type="page"))
return c.get_list(True)(, 'categorymembers', 'cm', **kwargs)
def path4page(p):
""" REturns the local path for a page """
ret = p.page_title
if "/" in ret:
ret = ret.split("/")[-1]
ret = ret.replace(" ", "_")
if p.namespace == NS_USER_TALK:
ret = ret + "_rvrs"
return ret + ".html"
def href4page(p):
p = path4path(p)
ret = urlquote(p)
def filenameforlink(href):
""" todo: deal with namespaces? """
path = href
if "/" in href:
path = path.split("/")[-1]
path = path+".html"
return path
def rewriteimagelink(a):
href = a.attrib.get("href")
path = href
if "/" in href:
path = path.split("/")[-1]
print ("rewriteimagelink", path)
r = site.api("query", prop="imageinfo", titles=path, iiprop="url", iiurlwidth=str(THUMB_SIZE), formatversion=2)
iinfo = r['query']['pages'][0]['imageinfo'][0]
thumburl = iinfo['thumburl']
#fullsizeurl = iinfo['url']
#filepageurl = iinfo['descriptionurl']
r = site.api("query", prop="imageinfo", titles=path, iiprop="url", iiurlwidth=str(FULL_SIZE), formatversion=2)
iinfo = r['query']['pages'][0]['imageinfo'][0]
fullsizeurl = iinfo['thumburl']
#fullsizeurl = iinfo['url']
#filepageurl = iinfo['descriptionurl']
a.attrib['href'] = fullsizeurl
img = a.find("img")
img.attrib['src'] = thumburl
if "width" in img.attrib:
del img.attrib["width"]
if "height" in img.attrib:
del img.attrib["height"]
if "srcset" in img.attrib:
del img.attrib["srcset"]
print ("rewriteimagelink", thumburl, fullsizeurl)
def rewritelinks(html):
t = html5lib.parseFragment(html, treebuilder = "etree", namespaceHTMLElements = False)
for a in t.findall(".//*[@href]"):
linkclass = a.attrib.get("class", "")
href = a.attrib.get("href")
if "external" in linkclass:
# leave external links alone
# print ("LINK", href)
if linkclass == "image":
# link to presentation version of image
# change img.src to a thumbnail
elif href.startswith("/mediadesign/"):
new_href = filenameforlink(href)
# print ("Rewriting link {} to {}".format(href, new_href), file=sys.stderr)
a.attrib['href'] = new_href
html = ET.tostring(t, method="html", encoding="unicode")
return html
site = Site(, path=args.path)
for card in catmembers(tasks):
cardfilename = path4page(card)
cardpath = os.path.join(args.output, cardfilename)
print ("Saving page to {}".format(cardpath))
with open(cardpath, "w") as f:
print ("""<!DOCTYPE html>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Tasks of the Contingent Librarian</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="tasks.css">
<script src="tasks.js"></script>
""", file=f)
htmlsrc = site.parse(['text']['*']
htmlsrc = rewritelinks(htmlsrc)
print ("""<div class="card">{}</div>""".format(htmlsrc), file=f)
print ("""
</html>""", file=f)
talk = site.pages["User_talk:"+card.page_title]
if talk.exists:
print ("OUTPUTTING CARD BACK {}".format(talk.page_title))
talkfilename = path4page(talk)
talkpath = os.path.join(args.output, talkfilename)
with open(talkpath, "w") as f:
print ("""<!DOCTYPE html>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Tasks of the Contingent Librarian</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="tasks.css">
<script src="tasks.js"></script>
""", file=f)
htmlsrc = site.parse(['text']['*']
htmlsrc = rewritelinks(htmlsrc)
print ("""<div class="cardback">{}</div>""".format(htmlsrc), file=f)
print ("""
</html>""", file=f)