User:Queenfeline/SPECIAL ISSUE 1

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

Everything on Radio WORM: Protocols for Collective Performance


/Stuff I need to remember


starting this master programm was a tat bit overwhelming, but simultaneously super exciting! i love the vibe of the group. i feel like we're all little nerds and we have this big common interest. thats nice. i enjoy it very much. making radio is also very exciting and cool and also stressful haha. here my perfectionism plays a little role, because i want the show to be perfect. and of course this is not happening. what even is a perfect thing? well anyways... i like the introduction of michael and lukas, that the radio shows are tryouts and the interesting part is, the moment errors happen and we have to react to them. i like the letting go of the idea of a perfect radio show. also there's like 3 people listening so nothing is that serious. i hope i get to use my dj skills for the shows.

exposing something that is normally concealed


Eine Sammlung von alles texten die ich gelesen hab, with annotations. doesn't have to be in textform kann auch video, bilder...


We use many words with different meanings. all of us come from different social-cultural backgrounds so the same words may have different meanings for a few of us. so we collect them over the whole year in out glossay. We named it Alphabet Soup and we put in there, what words mean to us – outside of the glossary.
embracing the errors
internal – external
playing with materials – figuring out what to do with errors
– maybe random texts von oswald lesen?
– drawing our own kind of notation and following it with "instruments"

doing things for only the sake of doing them

"the Web"
HTMLHyperText Markup Language
HTTPHyperText Transfer Protocol
URLUniform Resource Locator

export etherpads – for archiving


how do we consider practice not just product?

– let the computer do the song: same thing with the grafviz we did manually – click on a word to start the thing and let the computer find a way

my first radio show: SI25 Broadcast 4: Protocols to Freestyle

"WE'RE LIVE BABY!" that was very exiting and cooool. unfortunately my sonic pi crashed right before the show. frustrating! but anyways we still managed to make a smooth show. we only had one single meeting before the show, cause we wanted to keep it spontaneous and fun. We read Femke Sneltings "Generous Practises" out loud in roles.

Ordnung – Verrücktheit
da sind wir wieder... Structure – how much do we need?
Code is structure – needs structure
why do humans want to structure everything?
Is there structure in nature?
what is the opposite of structure? chaos?

are the limits of my language the limit of my world?
music as language – What is language? What is in that that we think we understand?
Notation = Language??
if so – what are we reading & understanding from that?

my second radio show: SI25 Broadcast 6: Protocol to Free Britney

its britney bitchhhhh! that show was soooooo much fun. after a few technical struggles it was so so so so nice!
Copyright’s primary goal is to encourage creativity by giving creators a period during which they can control and profit from their works. It provides an incentive for authors, artists, and other creators to invest time and resources into producing original works.


1 volt = 1 octave
1 Hz = 1 sec

LFO – Low Frequency Oscillator
VCO – Voltage Control
ADSR EG – Attak Decay Release Sustain Release

Grafische formen aus klassischer Notation heraus – damit gestalten als Elemente
SP25 – maybe a big book with everything in it – all the wiki pages?
website as archive?

Anleitung zum Nichtverstehen

"roadside wildflowers at full speed"


XPUB 2 had their assessments today! That was very exciting but also very chill. They have great ideas and great projects. I, on the other hand, was sooo tired and overwhelmed, that i wasn't able to fully use my brain capacity to give feedback. Also i needed way to much time to process the information that flew through the room. i couldn't quite catch it all. But i swear i was tryinggg. They made a cute little bingo for all of us to play during the presentations. Such a good idea! But unfortunatly nobody got a bingo. We all only had one or two fields filled. That was a bit disappointing, cause the things were actually so accurate.
Anyways... now all i can think about is my master. I need ideas! many many ideas! good ones also! hah aber kein druck... naja wird schon schief gehen... anyways i made a wikipage for all the ideas – a place to collect them all.

after reading All Problems of Notation will be solved by the masses by Simon Yuill

how is notation a language we can read, write and unterstand? how does storytelling works in and through music and sound? what sounds does a square makes as opposed to a triangle or circle?

after reading The Tyranny of Structurelessness by jo freeman

how can we as a class work together smoothly? how can we make everyone feel more included and seen? how can we make it more safe and easy to disagree and say no?

after reading The truth of fact, the truth of feeling by ted chiang

whoooaaaa this text is crazy. it was veeeery interesting. it questions whether a fact or a feeling is more true. it does it through telling 2 stories, 1 where the fact is more "right" or "true" and the other where the feeling is more valued. so there is not one of them that is more right than the other. it always depends on the story and situation.
"Pinpointing blame wasn't the answer"
do we have to forget to forgive?
"Writing let you look at your thoughts in a way you couldn't if you were just talking" how does perfect memorie change the concept of self?
"People are made of stories"
Being full of fact but devoid of feeling – Human/Robot – Are feelings what makes us human?

"If everybody remembered everything, would our differences get shaved away? What would happen to our sense of selves"

after seeing Nature Study Notes: Scratch Orchestra

i had the idea of making a little zine with an alternative form of notation. and then i made: XNota.gif

after reading Reading Music: Common Notation by Catherine Schmidt-jones

– Common notation is an efficient way of organizing a large amount of information so that it can be read quickly.
– Because it is so widely used around the world, in so many different musical genres, it serves as a "common language" even among musicians who play different instruments in different genres.
– It does not depend on the instrument. Once you learn how to read common notation, much of what you know will still be useful if you switch instruments or learn new instruments.
– Common notation includes enough information so that you can learn a piece without hearing it. Many other notations leave out crucial information, such as exact rhythms.

after reading Die Zeichen – Neue Aspekte der musikalischen Ästhetik von Hans Werner Henze

– Musik ist ein klingendes Zeichen
– Erstens gibt es eine Person, die die Botschaft sendet, den Komponisten. Zweitens ist da sie Botschaft selbst, das heißt das, was wir Musik nennen. Drittens wird die Botschaft durch das Medium der Töne vom Empfänger, den Zuhörenden, aufgenommen.
– Dieser Kommunikationsvorgang ist klar. Doch was ist mitgeteilt worden?
– Was von eine Art von Information kommt aus dem Bewusstsein des Komponisten in das Bewusstsein des Hörers herüber? Und wie ist sie in der Botschaft erhalten?

How do we feel the music? How is there emotion released through sounds? Is it something learned from movies and theater? Or is it something inherently human?

– Die Musik hat eine Sprachlichkeit, von der wir noch zu wenig wissen.
– (Musik) sei doch eine art spräche, weil auch sie rede und auch ohne text verständlich sei.
– Musik ist genaugenommen doch keine Sprache im Sinne der Wortsprache, weil sie keine Begriffe vermittelt. Um sie doch als Sprache ausweisen zu können, wies man ihr eine besondere Aufgabe zu, Affekte und Gefühle zu vermitteln. So wurde Musik zur Tonsprache - in der Romantik dann zur sprache der Gefühle.
– Instrumentalmusik galt insofern als Sprache, als die etwas vermittelte, nur war das, was sie vermittelte, etwas grundsätzlich anderes als in der Wortsprache, es waren Gemütsbewegungen, Regungen der Seele, Stimmungen, Affekte oder Empfindungen.
– Schwierigkeiten Sprache und Musik:
– Durch die Abkehrt von der Gefühlsästhetik hin zu einer Autonomie Ästhetik, sah man den Sinn der Musik in ihr selbst
– „An die Stelle der Musik als einer Sprache der Gefühle tritt die Auffassung von Musik als einen tönenden logischen Vorgang. Musik wird hier als ein Produkt des Arbeitens des Geistes in geitesfähigen Material, als eine in sich bewegte tönende Konstruktion aufgefasst, die selbst ästhetisch wirksam ist; sie ist nicht ein bloßes Vehikel für Gefühle oder ein Auslöser psychischer Wirkungen. Ihr eigentlicher, d.h. musikalischer Sinn gründet im Vollzug der inneren Logik eines tönenden Vorgangs, also letztlich im ästhetischen Objekt und nicht um seelischen Zustand des psychologischen Subjekts.“ ???
– nimmt man jedoch die Grüble weg, so wird der Ausdruck Musik als sprache zu einem Torso, weil man nicht mehr angeben kann, wovon die Musik als Sprache nunmehr eigentlich spricht. Fehlt das Objekt, über das in einer Sprache gesprochen wird – sei es ein Begriff, ein Gefühl oder selbst das Unsagbare–, so besteht kaum noch eine logisch begründbare Möglichkeit, den Begriff Sprache, gleich in welchem Sinne, noch aufrechterhalten.

– but stilleveryone is speaking of Musik and language. And because it can be heard it therefore has to convey a certain content, some kind of meaning gets transported through it.
– and because Musik happens in public spaces and has a kind of communicative function. Grounded in that lies the assumption that it has to be some kind of language.

It was in that moment i realized i need my own dictionary.

and its sooo much fun to research the different words and see what they mean. to discover language a bit more with every word.


holy moly the first special Issue is over. Crazy! Time flies soooooo fast wow.

reflections on radio-making

What is the materiality of the difference in what we send through the radio and what the listener hears?
Language is understood only in contextual frameworks. And even these can be shared by people only to a limited extend.
The importance of context to language understanding.
Understanding also means classifying it in the already experienced.

understanding: to grasp the reasonableness of []

reflections on the event

I was actually surprised how smooth and easy the setting-up and dismantling was. Although we planned everything on a rather short notice, we managed it soooo well. So thx to the class for this wonderful, exciting experience! It also was very nice to show my friends what has been done to this point. and also showing strangers what we do. and seeing the interest in that. feels very rewarding.
my favorite was seeing how Kims viertelstündliche printouts grew, to see how grafviz reorganized the whole thing. fascinating. but also definitely the jam session. it was so impressing to hear the sound through the big soundsystem of the ubik space. the theatrical light situation also added the special something to the whole performance. very cool.
Its also always fascinating to see people react to your works. I feel like i tend to forget the specialness in the works we do, cause they become so alltäglich. i feel like for me it is pretty important to share the/my work, cause in that moment they somehow become more worthy in a way. Not as in other people give worth to it. but rather me seeing it through their eyes, which then makes me look at my shit differently.
tbh i feel like i didn't really contribute much to this first SI. I guess its always easy to say "i could've done more" at the end, but i could've done more. i should've, but the search for a new place to live took away sooo much time. i didn't expect it to be that hard. so i took it upon me to make the radio show on the event day itself. for that, imina and i interviewed all the teams about their projects. That was fun, cause with that material we did like the most radio-ish radio show of the whole season i think. a lot of talking and it also felt like a little podcast scenario. I also designed the cookbooks for the event and showed people around, telling them about the projects. that was the most i could to in that situation. i hope that was enough.