How do technologies of the self shape or manifest in current network culture / society of control?
Disciplinary society and society of control
Disciplinary society
Taylorism Contained within institutions democratic society was created in disciplinary society (moving into post-)
technologies of self: would shape us into democratic liberal etc. institutions tell us what to do, what to be: church/tv/library rules, law, court,
Society of control
technologie of self: how would information shape us. internet/reality tv etc.
deteritorialised/ encoded
Foucault: punish
Mark Poster: Foucault and Databases
Society: The production of social beings
SHORT: Disciplinary societies
- Territorialised: Architecture: how people are placed: Prescripted:
- Contained in material things: institutions: schools etc.
SHORT: Control Societies:
- Deterritorialised, encoded.
- Doesnt matter where you are, as long as it can read the code of where I am
- Contained freedom
- Acces in turn for code: Acces to power.
Governmentality: governing at at distance.
>> control society: increasingly media is being used to govern us.
Vague media thing instead of institutions telling us what to do.
Nudge Nudge (In the Masters of Reality – Steve Rushton)
Own thoughts: Could control itself become an institute? What is an institute?
How will several institutes decay?
Institute: "An institute is an organisational body created for a certain purpose."
Technologies of the self in this society of control are mainly social media, where we create profiles that reflect us in one way or another. They sometimes are never a realistic reflection though, they are what we want to be, they are better versions of ourselves or they could be a complete oposite, a form of expression, a getaway, an escape from the self. All versions of this reflect rather how we see ourselves or how we want to be seen than how we are actually seen.
Is the self a combination of other peoples visions of us that we've internalised? Or is it an entity on itself?