User:Ozalp Eroz/pixelate video
for((j=0; j<=9; (j++))) ; do
convert -scale $((j*10))% -scale 800x298\! roofs.jpg image$((j)).jpg
echo $j
for((j=10; j>=0; j--)) ; do
convert -scale $((j*10))% -scale 800x298\! roofs.jpg image$((20-j)).jpg
echo $j
## Audio
# create soundtrack
sox -c1 -r8000 -n -t wav - synth 0.9 sine 20 vol 30.0 > sound.wav
# convert the 8khz WAV in 16khz mp2 audio (because mpeg wants mp2!)
ffmpeg -i sound.wav -acodec mp2 -ar 16000 sound.mp2
## Video
# takes all the images into a mpeg video file
ffmpeg -f image2 -i image%d.jpg -r 24 video.mpeg
# multiplex the audio and video track in one new file
ffmpeg -i sound.mp2 -i video.mpeg pix.mpeg