Generative koplet#1, #2, #3
are a series of videos shown in an
installation at SaraTimTrust during the
MuseumNacht in Rotterdam. (f.1, f.2, f.3)
Two of the video works consist of textual
and pictorial fragments of retrieved data
from hard drives(from generative black
and white maps, coordinates to a
production line of workers assembling
pineapples in Ghana).
Detailed description follows -->
The soundtrack of the videos is a slightly
distorted sound from a spinning hard drive
drawing presence in the physical world.
In addition to them the third video serves
as a behind-the-scene of the actual
recovery process, where I position myself
at the centre, placing the hard drive into
an ATA case and running the recovery software
documenting every step of my own.
Videos could be seen HERE-->
Institut für alles mögliche
Artists are invited to send /submit their flash drives, containing one art piece each. Then it is up to the visitors to explore the content taking a role of the curator and moderators every now and then. Furthermore the visitors are led to mix, copy or modify the contributions or even to take some of the artpieces along on their own usb-devices.
The focus is on exploring wether the digital space in pocket format is usable as a space for arts and culture and if so how this might look like. Aside from trying to rethink the artistic space, the show aims to provoke questions concerning copyrights, curatorial gestures and participation. It is meant to enable a dialogue in which boundaries between the artistic work, the curatorial practice and the role of the beholder is shifted and can be redefined.
--> <img: Nikos_usb-shuffle show remix shuffle show at Institut für alles mögliche /Berlin
The Err booklet
(work in progress)
This booklet trackes the process of recovery, display and potentially erase lost and found artifacts of data. (hard drives' leftovers) It is rather a work_log of personal thoughts, observations, concerns and frustrations, which surpass the actual process. It aims to document and provide a visual essay, contextualizing the field of research.
===============_ ?============== __ ___ __ __ ___ | \ |__ | _||__) |__ | | |__/ |___ |___ . | \ |___ |/\| ===============!_=============== /DEL?REW web_site-work in progress/
This project aims to establish a dialogue, which could take a place in the online platform of DEL+REW, hosted by Goldsmiths postgraduate programme for visual cultures.
The open call DEL+REW / A DIGITAL EXHIBITION TO (RE)SOUND THE AFTERMATH invites artists, researchers to join in an ongoing conversation around the topic of erasure. can we make sense of the act of erasure? Is erasure the scar of a cleansing operation or
itself marked by frictions and traces that could be touched upon?
A simple web page will host a file, for example an .img, .txt .mov extracted from the hard drive collection will be uploaded every now and then, constantly changing the content of the page. Then it is up to the visitors of the web page to decide wether to copy, share or erase the file or NOT. (f.6)
My intention is to create a system where I actually passed the decision wether to delete or share the content of the retrieved hard drives(files from that system) or transmit the moral and ethical choice YES!? or NO?
This way I am the mediator, surpassing the conflict to the public creating ambiguity or situation-based intervention.
Then what role we are taking as invaders, an interpreters or mediators?
A static html page with simple graphical interface
consisting of three buttons: (f.6)
Download button --> this button will enable
the visitors of the page to copy the file and to
store it locally on their machines.
Retrieve / Rewind button ---> this button will
enable the visitors to share the file.
Delete button ---> this button will enable the
visitors of the page to permanently delete the
A confirmation alert window will pop up
underlying the choice.