User:Max Dovey/Sound & narrative

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki


Mics and speakers are basically the same thing and can work both ways. look at the cup speaker string thing. cup works as a membrane like we have in the ear.

Big speakers are gor bass because there not good at moving fast so are better for low frequencies (they are heavier) They vibrate the air slower. Small speakers vibrate quicker maing them better for high frequencies.

Octave is doubling of frequency 20,40,80,160,320,640 etc The pitch changes according the meium air is a fairly constant medium and so all freq at the same spped will habve the same pitch.

DB to measure pressure in air is reversed in electric signal where 0db is the loudest! Cable is a combination of wires. wire is singular. Microphones Dynamic mic is a magentic coil/ Condensor is a very small plates that vibrates with waves.

Sample rate 44100 / 2 = 22500 hz (maximum frequency) for recording digitally. 22500 is over human spectrum so not a problem. 16 bit - each bit provides 8 values binary. you can now record at a sample rate of 96k but this dramatically increases file size.

192kps, 320kps is all about bandwith and streaming and no longer relavent. You can work out the qaulity of an audio file by dividing the total bit rate / expected sample rate (16 or 24) = n / 2 (no. of channels)