[Steve notes-the first half of the text below is a cut an paste from this site:]' - please make sure you cite your sources so it is clear which words are yours- the idea to project into the future, in the second half of the text, and using the same way of speaking (mode of address), is a good one.]
MacWorld 2027 - presenting a new Apple product with the slogan:
"it only works if you want it to".
Every once in a while, a revolutionary product comes along that changes everything. Apple’s been very fortunate. It’s been able to introduce a few of these into the world. In 1984, we introduced the Macintosh. It didn’t just change Apple, it changed the whole computer industry. In 2001, we introduced the first iPod, and… it didn’t just – it didn’t just change the way we all listen to music, it changed the entire music industry. Well, today, we’re introducing three revolutionary products of this class.
- In 2007, Apple reinvented the phone. We combined three things:
- a widescreen iPod with touch controls; a revolutionary mobile phone; and a breakthrough Internet communications device. An iPod, a phone, and an Internet communicator. All these amazing things. These were not three separate devices, this became one device, and we called it iPhone.
- It’s really nice.
- It’s that simple.
- It’s so simple.
The iPhone covered all our needs. It gave you access to all the apps that you needed in life.
- Right on your phone! It was unbelievable.
- There is one specific thing that makes the iPhone so powerful. It's the simple and clean interface. Let's go back in time for a bit.
- So, we have been very lucky to have brought a few revolutionary user interfaces to the market in our time.
- First was the mouse.
- The second was the click wheel.
- And in 2007, we brought a multi-touch to the market.
- The multi touch was not only beautiful. It was quick, smooth and stable. That maked it such a powerful device.
Let's talk a bit more about the multi-touch interface. While developping this interface, the question was: How do we make it simple in use? How can we organize a huge amount input? Of a very divers range of input?
- Well, how do you solve this? Hmm. It turned out, we solved it! And we did, we reinvented the phone.
- What was so powerfull? What made the iPhone so strong? It was the interface, showing only one type of element to you: a button. This simple form represented either an app or phone-funtion.
- The interface enabled you to get the most out of your device
- Isn’t that awesome?
Apple believed in reduction. In abstraction. The iPhone interface represented exactly that.
- Isn’t that fantastic?
- The options that you had in the iPhone menu were clear. The buttons gave you direct access to your apps and functions. Again, better user experience, saves power.
So we think this was a pretty big deal.
But today in November 2027 ...
... we realize that the world is waiting for the next step.
But let's go back to 2007 for one more moment. At that time, we brought three things together into the iPhone. It could play your favorite music, connect you to the internet, and connect you with your friends, family and other contacts. What is couldn't give you was: customization.
But today we finally think the world is ready for a revolutionary product, we won’t introduce one thing, we won’t introduce three things, we’ll introduce 15.000 things!
- Isn’t this awesome, we’ve been working for so long to introduce this product, it will completely change the way we act. The way we think. The way we move. It will change life, but more importantly, it will change Apple itself.
- And the best thing is, "it only works if you want it to"!
- Isn’t that incredible.
Now, Apple’s been very fortunate to present to you: the new interface.
- Where we just called the 2007 iPhone interface an abstraction, this interface is one step ahead on time. It asks you for your input, it asks you to make relations between the 15.000 things.
- So yes, isn't that amazing. The new interface gives you the power to set your device to your personal perception.
- We developed a new interface customized on every individuall’s preferences, on the basis of 15.000 elements. And with that, man himself becomes the interface. And more then so, by saving and analyzing all this preferences and customizations of every person, it will become the complete dataset of every person. Of all people. Of society. And with that it becomes society, the society of total control.
- We believe in choice. In expansion.
- So, instead of a "better user experience, saves power", we would say:
- "More user input, gives power!"
But remember: "it only works if you want it to"!