User:Laurier Rochon/notes/essayIInotes
The infinite tragedy
Define the overarching frame of reference
- 1) What makes up a classical tragedy
- 2) What does this mean within the new frame of reference
- 3) How does this create infinite self-replicating tragedy?
- 4) "Narrativization" as a conclusion
Questions & Concepts :
- Look at classical definitions of tragedy
- Center things around structure
- What is the frame of reference (i.e. within electronic literature? online publications, etc.)
- About mourning and memory
- How is suffering represented through narrative
- What role does amnesia have in tragedies
- How can human suffering fully realised when disembodied
- How are communal and private tragedies constructed online?
- Narrativization of tragedies (you make things work - tragedies becoming narratives)
- Who controls the drama
- Who benefits from digital tragedy and why
- Structuralism?
References :
- Judith Butler : Precarious life - The Power of Mourning and Violence
- Susan Sontag : Regarding the Torture of Others
- Susan Sontag : On the pain of Others
- Friedrich Nietzsche : The Birth of Tragedy
- Aristotle : Poetics
- Janet Murray : Hamlet On The Holodec