User:Laura Macchini/prototyping/Oh to be in need of glasses
A generation of Soldiers seemed like a lame experiment and I couldn't sleep. Tossing and turning in the bed I dreamt of this -->
In stead of letters it has tiny rectangles; to each letter of the alphabet is associated a value of gray, if you are in need of glasses it sort of looks like tiny text.
import random, string, math
cTab = dict()
alphabet = string.ascii_lowercase
for i in range (0,len(alphabet)):
delta = int(math.floor(255/len(alphabet)))
cTab[alphabet[i]] = i*delta
f = open ("soldier.txt", "r" )
s =
words = s.split()
dW = 8
dL = 14
punctuation = ['.',',','?']
cX = 40
cY = 30
print '''<svg xmlns="" version="1.1">'''
def rectangle(i,char):
global cX
global cY
cX += dW
cVal = cTab[char]
# print cVal
<rect x="{0}" y="{1}" width="{2}" height="{3}"
style="fill:rgb({4},{5},{6})"> <animate attributeName="opacity" from="1" to="0"
begin="click" dur="2s" fill="restore" /> </rect>'''.format(cX,cY,dW,dL,cVal,cVal,cVal)
def newLine():
global cX
global cY
cY += dW*5
cX = 40
for i in range(0,len(words)):
word = words[i]
for char in word:
if word in punctuation:
if char in cTab:
char = char.lower()
# print char,
# print " ",
print '''</svg> '''