User:Kim/Special Issue 1/All Notes SI 25
< User:Kim | Special Issue 1
some protocols
references in no particular order:
2nd session:
- web audio api
- Tuna Library
- sound by cursor example
- video tutorial Web Audio Api
- github tutorials resource
3rd Session:
between improvisation and protocol, noise becomes signal generative protocols for rehearsal (duration, serial, iteration, units)
- close and open (a door, a file?, a fruit) (or open and close? what comes first)
- local (weather) data or field recording
wiki transclusion: to fetch contents from linked (wiki)page what did you do? what surprised you? 'paradigm'
build custom html mixers turntabling 'sound interfaces' web audio api bring the world map of sounds back into sound format (as pattern?)
10.01.2024 Prototyping
- Graphviz
- Nodes + Edges
- language .dot
- if or else or loopy ideas:
- a (cooking) recipe
- a text (word?)
- Sandbox
- Scripts for collective performance
10.07.2024 Special Issue 25
- Generous Practices
- Liveness Ash Kilmartin
- liveness as (creative) constraint
- performativity
- loopieness (record of the thing that has been made)
- Texts:
- how to feed the ecology that keeps you going? (instead of aquisitive/ extractive)
- audacity: at track settings (audio 1) select spectogram to see colored frequencies
- apply filters to cut frequencies under "effects"
- reader > repository of personal research
- can contain annotations, texts themself ...
- can be based on any media channel (wiki, server, ?)
- SI#25 Notes
- todays pad
- Steve Reich's clapping music
- Phase Pieces
- circular notations (for canons)
- sound as making relation to and within environment apparent
- "I am sitting in a room" Alvin Lucier
- Christina Kubisch "Sound Walks"
- relay race programming exercise
- cloudmix website
- resistors worm radio show on mixcloud
10.22.24 Prototyping w/ Joseph
- first musical recordings were not sound recordings but notations, (visual and material) interfaces (mechanical instruments)
- like the piano roll for pianola
- holes in paper - relation to jacquard loom punch cards?
- George Antheil
- : Tom Johnson Symmetries
- bbc documentatary
- a website with holes like piano roll that when you scroll to that point (intersection) plays the sound(s)?
- vinyl records are spirals
- protocols for active listening
- walkman protocols (listening (radio?) while walking?)
11.04.2024 SI25 w/ Michael
- Epicpedia + Micheal on cerealbox
- People are knowledge Documentary
11.26.2024 Compression
- compressing always looses information
- the more kbs (kilo bytes per second) the more information is kept in the file while compressing
on wiki: Prototypology
- image compression command line: Image Magic
CSS Print wiki
CSS Print
- ?action=render after URL to get plain page content view
- pandoc for document (text) conversion commandline
- methods:
- pandoc, curl, sh script
- weasyprint
- paged.js