User:Kiara/Special Issue 25
▁▂▃Protocols for Collective Performance▃▂▁
Since everything seems to be a mise en abyme, this page is going to be all about protocols, in order to be meta and in harmony with this Special Issue's title. General page:
Protocol for a field recording
Audio file taken from near the Balma-Gramont metro station in Toulouse.
Listen to the audio on the website
This precise place is actually one of the city's borders. It makes the connection between Toulouse and the city called Balma, which is in the North-East.
On the photo above, you can see the Hers[1] river, and a bridge, on which the metro passes (hear it at 01:49). Near this precise point on the map is a big commercial complex, lots of companies and an entrance to the highway. So this is obviously not the place you would expect to hear the birds. Yet, here they are! 🐦⬛
- ↑ pronounced “èrss” (or /ɛʁs/ according to the IPA audio chart and the IPA vowels audio chart)
Memory from the place
A song that goes with the memory (kind of)
This is a song from my childhood.
Permission granted to share all the audios in the radio show for Sept. 23 2024
Protocol for mourning a database
See User:Kiara/mourning for pictures
- Choose a date in the calendar, maybe the day you lost the DB :(( and set it as a holiday.
- Tell your boss/clients/whoever you want you're in grief and need a mourning leave.
- Rebuild the DB when grief is over :((
- Learn to backup your DBs to prevent future griefs.
Protocol for a first radio show
The very first show that took place at Radio WORM with Sevgi, Fred, Kim and Martina on 23rd September 2024.
Listen to the show on Mixcloud!!
We used the field recordings, metadata and songs people put on their Field Recording wiki pages.
We made a map tracing the different routes we took with the recordings!
Protocols for Collective Reading
See the pages referenced below:
- Alphabet Soup
- Bookclub
- The pads from Lidia's sessions listed in the XPUB 2024-2026 Survival Guide
Protocols for a Jam Session
Jam Session of 24th September 2024 with Joesph: creating instruments with unusual objects
Jam 1
Jam 2 (chaos)
Jam 3 (quiet)
Protocol for Canon Music
Session with Michael - 14/10/2024
Reading and acting the Clapping Music by Steve Reich
The pattern is 3-2-1-2
and it's looping.
What happens when the second clapper enters and loops their part?
→ It becomes a canon!
What would be a better way of writing this partition?
→ In a wheel!
It feels like unveiling a secret hidden in the partition - like solving a riddle!
Protocol for organising an event
Week from 28/10/2024 to 03/11/2024
Having 3 meetings in 2 days about the task management, making working groups, deciding on what we do and how we do it.
I am in the documentation team, to find ways to archive the whole event (websiteeeeeeeeee)
- My project idea for the event
- Inspired by Sarah Garcin's Radio to Print workshops 🠶 there's a python dependency to transform speech into printed text.
- Mixed with Eleni's idea of having a spoken input transformed into music via VCV Rack -- in the end we get
spoken input => becomes music for the listeners + gets printed live (thermal or fax machine)
- Adding Zuhui's idea
- To engage visitors in this performance, they can become part of the foundational text/speech material for the auditory output: One or two writers will be present in the room, live scripting as they observe the event. This observation can focus on the visitors —or anyone in the room— and may include fictional elements depending on the writers' interpretations and creative choices. Ideally, this live-scripting will be projected on a screen, allowing visitors to watch as they’re being observed and transformed into text, and then speech, which then becomes sound and then text again (in VCV+python) —all in real-time.
- Sevgi's idea
- This script could also serve as a part of documentation(post-production) of the event. Because it’s the writing of the live observation made directly in the moment and setting of the performance.
- Whole public needed
- Works best if not time framed but could maybe work if the frame is around 2h
Remaining questions to work on: - Is it live radio or a recording during the day? After thinking about it: with Zuhui's addition to the pitch, maybe recording makes more sense? (open question) - Ask Joseph/Manetta how to install the python dependencies because i can't make it - Work on how to connect all the different processes (python + vcv + livescript)
Project page that answers all the questions and describes precisely what we did ★
Protocol for wrapping up the Special Issue 25
Week from 25/11/2024 to ...
We gathered as a team and discussed the outcome we want for the Special Issue 25.
The idea is the following:
- event documentation
- reflection on the radio, what we did in those 3 months
For this, we decided to make a website to print, that displays all the information about radio shows and the 20 nov. event.
The website will have two distinct sections, one for the radio and one for the event, built upon the already existing website.
So we divided tasks to work efficiently:
- Design group: code + design
- Feline + Kiara + Kim + Tessa
- Archive group: gathering all wikis and pages, gather pictures and select
- Wiki: Charlie + Claudio
- Pics: Chrissy + Zuhui
- Video editing: Wyn
21-03-2025 UPDATE
In the end, we decided to build an entirely *new* website. It uses a script and the wiki API to fetch data from wiki pages and insert them as content.
In order to do so, we decided on a very methodical approach that required a thorough exploration of all the wiki pages for the different Radio Shows and SI25 Projects in order to make sure they followed the same structure, the same naming procedure and eventually to add HTML classes where needed. We also gathered them in new Content Pages (see below) either by linking them or using the power of transclusion.
This way, we could also push the content into a paged.js template to produce a printed archive of the trimester.
We are still in the styling process, as this method brought many bugs and needs for hacks in order to work properly.
Content Pages
→ The working spreadsheet made by Claudio and Charlie to make sure the content was up to date and ready to be pushed to the html source.
Preview Links