User:Fabien Labeyrie/feb14
Feb14 (pronounced 'Quatorze février') consists of Fabien (Seine St. Denis, Paris) en Inge (Caribbean Crooswijk) from Rotterdamn. Together, they compose live, improvised music using samples from The Freesound Project (, a collaborative database of Creative Commons licensed sounds. The constraint of working within a browser-based database is that there is no mixer involved. Any sample pressed to "play," is automatically added to the mix. The balance of Feb14's music lies in finding samples individually, that fit together as a whole.
Currently composing
- Ode to British Thinkers
- Chickies hebben nipples en bytes die hebben nibbles
- I <3 Search
Concert Agenda
April 9, Piet Zwart Institute, Karel Doormanhof 45, Rotterdamn