User:Eleni/Advanced Search

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

Assignment: Experiment with the advanced search of Use the wiki to record "interesting queries" ... in other words, interesting search results. You may find it best to use the link widget in the "Edit source" view of the wiki and to give the (long) URLs descriptive and readable visible "text to display". For example: five audio files about dogs

Continue the exercise of modifying a copy of the advanced search form, making modifications to make it more specific to your needs in building a custom sound board. Look into the documentation about search on, including information about what kinds of metadata there is. Try searching and look at the results. What kind of materials are there and how are they classified? From where to the materials come. In addition to imagining a soundboard based on the audio files, what other information could be interesting to include (from the available metadata). What filters or other particular features might be interesting to apply to your sound board.

Try to place your modified / simplified / customized search forms on cerealbox. For those interested in Javascript, please feel free to ask questions on zulip, and I will post further examples to help. -Michael