User:Eleanorg/1.2/Forbidden Pixels/writing string to text file
This script recieves a url from a form, scrapes it, extracts relevant bits with regex, and writes relevant bits to a text file.
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import cgi, re, urllib2
import cgitb; cgitb.enable()
# scrapes pixel data string from a URL submitted by user in an html form; assigns the result to appropriate variables.
#------------- get URL from input form -------------------#
form = cgi.FieldStorage() # Grabs whatever input comes from form
url = form.getvalue("url", "") # assigns form's input to var 'url'. url on the right is a default value that will be printed for testing if nothing is recieved from the form
#------------- scrape webpage----------------------------#
text = urllib2.urlopen(url).read() # reads page at the specified URL
#--------- extract the string with regex; write it to text file------------#
# string is in format:
# Pixel position:500.001; Color:rgba(222,221,217,1)
htmlHeader = """<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>A form talking to a python script</title>
<style type="text/css">
print "Content-Type: text/html"
print htmlHeader
pat = r"(Pixel position:(\d\d\d).(\d\d\d)\;\ Color:(rgba\(.*\)))"
if not, text): # if pattern 'pat' isn't found within text
print "nothing found"
f = open("data/data.txt", 'a') # opens text file in apend mode
for m in re.finditer(pat, text): # for each match in text
string = # lets you access data within the match object
xPos =
yPos =
color =
f.write(xPos + '\n') # writes xPos to the text file plus newline
print "thanks, url submitted. The pixel you are hosting has been added."
print """