User:Darija Medic/weeklyassignment1
1. both of these works are on my to do list and the way that the second one is displayed here is a gif animation, which I never did, and always wanted to, however simple it was. Now I tested image magick and there's the result
2. copy of a work I like
Mark Jenkins,
visible on Thursday at the Piet Zwart
3. an open, e-mail continuous story in questions, on gmail, open for use as the basis, or starting point. It was a correspondence with myself that lasted for a 100 days, but I never showed it in the more open manner that I wanted to , because it was locked inside my own inbox. Now I created a new account in order for the story to be visible, and to continue or stop in the way the user(s) will change or adjust or delete it.
user name: qwithouta
password: 1qwithouta1