
From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki


 WRITE YOUR STORY HERE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 if (KNOB < 93 && SLIDER < 511 && SWITCH == LOW ) {
 display.println(F("Today, most major    supermarkets source  their avocadoes from Chile")); 
 else if (KNOB < 93 && SLIDER < 511 && SWITCH == HIGH ) {
 display.println(F("60 percent of the avocadoes from chile come from the province of Petorca")); 
 else if (KNOB < 93 && SLIDER > 511 && SWITCH == LOW ) {
 display.println(F("This story actually dates back to reforms that  were set under Augusto Pinochet")); 
 else if (KNOB < 93 && SLIDER > 511 && SWITCH == HIGH ) {
 display.println(F("A military dictatorship")); 

 else if (KNOB > 93 && KNOB < 186 && SLIDER < 511 && SWITCH == LOW ) {
 display.println(F("Petorca is a provincesituated at the feet of the Andes        mountains")); 
 else if (KNOB > 93 && KNOB < 186 && SLIDER < 511 && SWITCH == HIGH ) {
 display.println(F("Where crops like beans, corn and potatoes used to be grown")); 
 else if (KNOB > 93 && KNOB < 186 && SLIDER > 511 && SWITCH == LOW ) {
 display.println(F("In 1981, a group of economists known as the Chicago boys, enacted a new regulation called the Water code ")); 
 else if (KNOB > 93 && KNOB < 186 && SLIDER > 511 && SWITCH == HIGH ) {
 display.println(F("granting full ownerships over water rights")); 

 else if (KNOB > 186 && KNOB < 279 && SLIDER < 511 && SWITCH == LOW ) {
 display.println(F("The lands on the     mountainsides were used as pastures for cows")); 
 else if (KNOB > 186 && KNOB < 279 && SLIDER < 511 && SWITCH == HIGH ) {
 display.println(F("for the Chilean market")); 
 else if (KNOB > 186 && KNOB < 279 && SLIDER > 511 && SWITCH == LOW ) {
 display.println(F("In practice, this enactement meant water could be traded in free markets with almost no government regulation ")); 
 else if (KNOB > 186 && KNOB < 279 && SLIDER > 511 && SWITCH == HIGH ) {
 display.println(F("water could be bought, sold, and used by private companies like a commodity")); 

 else if (KNOB > 279 && KNOB < 372 && SLIDER < 511 && SWITCH == LOW ) {
 display.println(F(" Around 1980, the lands on the mountainsides were solicited by investors who bought them up at low prices, and 
 converted them into avocado plantations")); 
 else if (KNOB > 279 && KNOB < 372 && SLIDER < 511 && SWITCH == HIGH ) {
 display.println(F("There is not much water flowing there")); 
 else if (KNOB > 279 && KNOB < 372 && SLIDER > 511 && SWITCH == LOW ) {
 display.println(F("This textbook example of neoliberalism was designed to dissociate water rights from land rights")); 
 else if (KNOB > 279 && KNOB < 372 && SLIDER > 511 && SWITCH == HIGH ) {
 display.println(F("Making it easier to have big corporated farms on the mountainsides")); 

 else if (KNOB > 372 && KNOB < 465 && SLIDER < 511 && SWITCH == LOW ) {
 display.println(F("Around 1980, the lands on the mountainsides were solicited by investors who bought them up at low prices, and converted 
them into avocado plantations")); 
else if (KNOB > 372 && KNOB < 465 && SLIDER < 511 && SWITCH == HIGH ) {
 display.println(F("There is not much water flowing there")); 
else if (KNOB > 372 && KNOB < 465 && SLIDER > 511 && SWITCH == LOW ) {
 display.println(F("This textbook example of neoliberalism was designed to dissociate water rights from land rights")); 
else if (KNOB > 372 && KNOB < 465 && SLIDER > 511 && SWITCH == HIGH ) {
 display.println(F("Making it easier to have big corporated farms on the mountainsides")); 

 else if (KNOB > 465 && KNOB < 558 && SLIDER < 511 && SWITCH == LOW ) {
 display.println(F("After the Water code, vast amounts of water could be benifited on the sunny mountainside")); 
 else if (KNOB > 465 && KNOB < 558 && SLIDER < 511 && SWITCH == HIGH ) {
 display.println(F("cause you can have it directly diverted from any river in the area")); 
 else if (KNOB > 465 && KNOB < 558 && SLIDER > 511 && SWITCH == LOW ) {
 display.println(F("In Petorca, where it is warm and dry, approximately 1,280 liters of water are needed to produce 1kg of avocados")); 
 else if (KNOB > 465 && KNOB < 558 && SLIDER > 511 && SWITCH == HIGH ) {
 display.println(F("320 liters of applied fresh water to produce one avocado")); 

 else if (KNOB > 558 && KNOB < 651 && SLIDER < 511 && SWITCH == LOW ) {
 display.println(F("That’s pretty cool for investors, cause all the water ressources available in the province can be used up")); 
 else if (KNOB > 558 && KNOB < 651 && SLIDER < 511 && SWITCH == HIGH ) {
 display.println(F("to stisfy your greed")); 
 else if (KNOB > 558 && KNOB < 651 && SLIDER > 511 && SWITCH == LOW ) {
 display.println(F("As a result, villagers say rivers have dried up and groundwater levels have fallen")); 
 else if (KNOB > 558 && KNOB < 651 && SLIDER > 511 && SWITCH == HIGH ) {
 display.println(F("causing a regional drought")); 

 else if (KNOB > 651 && KNOB < 744 && SLIDER < 511 && SWITCH == LOW ) {
 display.println(F("And europeans are getting more and more into avocados, so the demand keeps getting bigger")); 
 else if (KNOB > 651 && KNOB < 744 && SLIDER < 511 && SWITCH == HIGH ) {
 display.println(F("But be greedy, because the fat found in avocados may promote weight loss")); 
 else if (KNOB > 651 && KNOB < 744 && SLIDER > 511 && SWITCH == LOW ) {
 display.println(F("Aside from the terribly damaging impact on the environment and the irreversible damage to local ecosystems, these 
plantations are destroying the lives of the people who live there")); 
 else if (KNOB > 651 && KNOB < 744 && SLIDER > 511 && SWITCH == HIGH ) {
 display.println(F("and are putting local communities at risk")); 

 else if (KNOB > 651 && KNOB < 744 && SLIDER < 511 && SWITCH == LOW ) {
 display.println(F("Avocados have ceased to be just another regular food but a trend")); 
 else if (KNOB > 651 && KNOB < 744 && SLIDER < 511 && SWITCH == HIGH ) {
 display.println(F("They help lower levels of bad cholesterol and have powerful anti-aging properties")); 
 else if (KNOB > 651 && KNOB < 744 && SLIDER > 511 && SWITCH == LOW ) {
 display.println(F("and residents of Petorca are left with cracked earth paths and dry water ways")); 
 else if (KNOB > 651 && KNOB < 744 && SLIDER > 511 && SWITCH == HIGH ) {
 display.println(F("often forced to use contaminated water transported by trucks")); 

 else if (KNOB > 837 && KNOB < 930 && SLIDER < 511 && SWITCH == LOW ) {
 display.println(F("Avocados have twice the potassium of a banana, they’re packed with fiber")); 
 else if (KNOB > 837 && KNOB < 930 && SLIDER < 511 && SWITCH == HIGH ) {
 display.println(F("boasting 10 grams per medium-sized avocado")); 
 else if (KNOB > 837 && KNOB < 930 && SLIDER > 511 && SWITCH == LOW ) {
 display.println(F("Small farmers cannot survive either ")); 
 else if (KNOB > 837 && KNOB < 930 && SLIDER > 511 && SWITCH == HIGH ) {
 display.println(F("most actions taken against water robbery end in intimidation, corruption, or death threats")); 

 else if (KNOB > 930 && KNOB < 1023 && SLIDER < 511 && SWITCH == LOW ) {
 display.println(F("They improve heart health")); 
 else if (KNOB > 930 && KNOB < 1023 && SLIDER < 511 && SWITCH == HIGH ) {
 display.println(F("You will never bedisappointed with a plain, no-frills version of this simple")); 
 else if (KNOB > 930 && KNOB < 1023 && SLIDER > 511 && SWITCH == LOW ) {
 display.println(F("So it just carries on happening, and no one is really held accountable for it")); 
 else if (KNOB > 930 && KNOB < 1023 && SLIDER > 511 && SWITCH == HIGH ) {
 display.println(F("property fucked up times")); 