User:Chrissy/personal reader
first attempt
I started to make a website for my personal reader with code from
You can see the start here:
Although, the separation in "aesthetics", "kinda tech" & "memes/GIFs work (not)" doesn't fit anymore, because the thematics of my readings is a bit more all over the place & cannot sort in this raster anymore. Still want to keep a raster for a better overview for myself. (Having a hard time to concentrate on one topic, or topics around that topic)
However, I'm planning to make a basic website as my personal reader with the function to export as PDF. Since most of my resources are online & my annotations are digital as well, this way makes the most sense in my opinion. I also want to link to the PDFs I'm reading & having an extra "reading list" with all my resources without my personal notes, to use it as a form of resource sharing.
My reading list for the personal reader:
[W O R K I N P R O G R E S S]
Work (not):
- How to do nothing – Jenny Odell
- The refusal of work – David Frayne
- How to be an Anti-capitalist for the 21st Century – Erik Olin Wright
- The right to be lazy – Paul La Fargue
- The problem with the work – Kathi Weeks
- Anti-Work as a radical Tradition – Ediciones Inéditos
- ✔︎ The cult of cute content – The Digital Fairy
- ✔︎ Another aesthetics is possible – Macarena Gómez- Barris and Diana Taylor
- Digital Folklore – Olia Lialina & Dragan Espenschied
- How Cute! Race, Gender, and Neutrality in Libraries – Gina Schlesselman-Tarango
- ✔︎ OUR AESTHETIC CATEGORIES: AN INTERVIEW WITH SIANNE NGAI – The cute, the interesting, and the zany
- Who cann afford to be critical? – Afonso Matos
- Critical Meme Reader – Chloë Arkenbout, Jack Wilson and Daniel de Zeeuw
- Can Jokes bring down Governments? – Metahaven
- Change the Record - Punk Women Music Politics – M.I. Franklin
- Angela Y Davis: an Autobiography – Angela Y Davis
- Record of a night Brief – Hiromi Kawakami
- What Design can't do – Silvio Lorusso
- CAPS LOCK – Ruben Pater
- ✔︎ The cult of cute content – The Digital Fairy
- ✔︎ Another aesthetics is possible – Macarena Gómez- Barris and Diana Taylor
- ✔︎ OUR AESTHETIC CATEGORIES: AN INTERVIEW WITH SIANNE NGAI – The cute, the interesting, and the zany
- ✔︎ The cult of cute content – The Digital Fairy
- ✔︎ Another aesthetics is possible – Macarena Gómez- Barris and Diana Taylor
- ✔︎ OUR AESTHETIC CATEGORIES: AN INTERVIEW WITH SIANNE NGAI – The cute, the interesting, and the zany
- The cult of cute content – The Digital Fairy
- Another aesthetics is possible – Macarena Gómez- Barris and Diana Taylor