08/01/2020 Digital Zines #1
“Zine is an abstract framework, or way of thinking, for designing certain classes of resilient “services”. It sacrifices real time communication to gain resiliency from distribution potential.”
Non-realtime publishing for censorship resistance, BJÖRN EDSTRÖM
Commandline tools used
WGET/ to download elements existing online.
We used it to download Homocore zine.
MOGRIFY/ to resize, blur , crop, flip (…) an image.
TESSERACT/ to OCR documents.
OCR stands for Optical Character Recognition and it is used to convert different types of documents (like scanned paper documents) into a digital (and so into editable & searchable ) format.
The program analyses the structure of the document and divides the page into elements like blocks of texts, tables, images (…).The lines are divided into words and then - into characters. Once the characters have been singled out, the program compares them with a set of pattern images.]
tesseract filename.inputformat filename.outputformat
If the output format is not specified it will be a txt file.
PDFUNITE/ to join PDFs.
In our case it has been useful because of its ability of keeping the searchability of the documents already OCRed.
pdfunite 01_01.pdf 01_02.pdf output.pdf
13/01/2020 Mediawiki as development archive and editorial space
Exploring the idea of using a wiki as a platform to start to build an archive.
PREMISE:/ Static Websites & Dynamic Websites
STATIC WEB PAGES are simple and written in the HTML language and stored in web server. Whenever an server receives a request regarding a web page, it sends a response along with the requested web page to the client without performing any additional processing. In a static web page the content of the web page does not change depending on the request.
DYNAMIC WEB PAGES are behavioural and have the capacity to produce distinctive content for different visitors. (They are employed where the information changes very often such as stock prices, weather information ecc.). The page content may change according to the user.
[for dummies] [pad]
22.01.2020 Digital zines #2
—>create platform/workflow w/command line
looking for a Markup language
Tim Berners Lee: Proposal
Management of general information:
ftp:// (protocol) (hostname) /research/essay.pdf (path)
Markdown is a text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers created by John Gruber ( It allows to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format, then convert it to structurally valid XHTML (or HTML).
// Interesting: the developement of Markdown also involved Aaron Swartz documentary
Trinity diagram
(HyperTextTransferProtocol=)HTTP———URL (=UniformResourceLocator) | | -HTML - (=HyperTextMarkupLanguage)
Pandocis a command-line tool able to convert files from one markup format to another (like Markdown, HTML, Mediawiki).
pandoc --standalone --toc --from markdown --to html --css style.css -o name.html
—f from
—t to
—s standalone document
Semantically structured wiki/wikitohtml/python intro
10.02.2020 To query
Python queries
Git branches
?to create a new branch: git branch <namebranch>
?to see branches: git branch
?to exit from a branch: git checkout <namebranch>
?to get last changes (master): git pull origin master