User:Andre Castro/2/thesis/brain storm

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Is the reappearance of the same narrative on numerous spam messages a results of the writing methods employed to compose those messages or is repetition and redundancy so ingrained into our western culture, and into our expectations as audiences, that spam simply adopted it as a clever strategy to streamline spam's writing process capture our attention?

On the current thesis:

Question: What are the reasons behind the reappearance of the same narrative on numerous spam messages?

  • the writing methods employed to compose those messages?
  • ubiquity of repeating formulas in popular culture, which become adopted also by spammers ?

On a new version:

compare spam to advertisement

I do not see a great difference between spam and advertising. Both share many characteristics. While it is undeniable that advertisement constitutes a creative practice, making use of language and images in ways that go beyond their direct meaning. Spam, due to its illegitimate nature, seems to be far more innovative and than established forms of advertisement.

Are the differences between the two strong enough to position them into different field? Or could it be argue that spam is form of unistituionalized advertisement that manages to hight-jack online spaces with the purpose of selling us somethin.

  • Are spam and advertisement comparable? Are they the same thing?
    • What are the characteristics of advertiesments? Are these characteristics also applicable to describe spam?
      • ubiquitous
      • disregarded
      • appear often in personal setting
      • establish personal tone to the reader
      • tell condensed stories
      • appeal to greed
  • Why is advertisement considered a creative practice?

Advertisement is regarded as a legitimate creative practice, whereas spam seems poor and uncreative, but is it so? * can spam be considered a creative practice for the same reasons ? * is spam a more creative practice, due to the conditions under which it is produced?
Do to constrains (illegitimate status, precarious production conditions) under which spam is produced bring spam creators to come up with inventive strategies, that wouldn't even cross advertisement creatives? Not unlike dub producers in Jamaica and rich Beach Boys in the US (similar analogy is also made by Louis Chude-Sokei in "The Fanzine"). Isn't perhaps the resentment we, westerners feel in relation to spam, similar to the one that was by westerners (particular Americans) and musical creations coming from Jamaica?

    • Are they also similar in their resort to artistic-forms [have to find a better term] to communicate their message?
      • advertisement borrowings from the art-world
      • spam borrowings from the art world (ASCII art, Spam Lit)
  • What about as being a material for artists? * 20th century artists appropriation of advertisement ( concretists, Dada) * 21st century artists appropriation spam

[ characteristics of advertising; advertisement as a creative practice; advertising interchanges with the art world]

There is a feedback loop between advertisement and art. We see artists appropriating ads and placing out of context and in parallel we see advertisement borrowing heavily from the art world ( concréte poetry, cinema)

Is there such a feedback loop also present in spam? Artists appropriate spam, but is spam also appropriating techniques from art?