User:Albert Jongstra/Schedule

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

Maandag 7 maart 2nd Year: 11:00 | Graduate seminar w/ Renee and Aymeric Maandag 14 maart 2nd yrs: Submission of general outline of essay plus first 5,000 words (not including references) and annotated bibliography Woensdag 23 Maart 11-14 | Graduate seminar (Renee and Aymeric) Group critique of projects for Mock Show - First Year attend as well Maandag 28 Maart equipment deadline: for Open Day & Mock Show Maandag 11 April 11-18 | 2nd yrs: Mock Show assessment with Sher Doruff Maandag 16 Mei first submission of the entire project report/thesis Vrijdag 3 Juni resubmission deadline Vrijdag 17 Juni final assessment Vrijdag 1 July Graduation ceremony opening final show [tentative] Zondag 17 July end of final show Maandag & dinsdag 18,19 July breakdown final show Vrijdag 29 July office closes for the summer, staff returns Monday 05.09 Vakantie: Vrijdag 22 April – maandag 25 April Pasen Zaterdag 30 April - Vrijdag 6 Mei voorjaarsvakantie