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Networking, Infrastructure, Protocols

Galloway, A. (2004). Protocol: How Control Exists After Decentralization. MIT Press.

Larkin, B. (2013). The Politics and Poetics of Infrastructure. Annual Review of Anthropology, 42(1), pp.327-343.

Dragona, D. and Charitos, D. (2017). Going Off the Cloud: The Role of the Art in the Development of a User Owned & Controlled Connected World. Journal of Peer Production, Issue 9

Dragona, D. and Charitos, D. (). Challenging Infrastructures: Alternative Networking and Role of Art.

Dragona, D. (2014). Counter-Infrastructures: Critical Empowerment and Emancipation in a Networked World. Media N Journal. Vol 10, No.3

CROSS REFERENCED Open Practice Abraham, A. and Bansal, L. (2006). In the shade of the commons. Amsterdam: Waag Society.

Antoniadis, P. (2016) Local Networks for Local Interactions: Four Reasons Why and a Way Forward. First Monday. Volume 21, Number 12.

CROSS REFERENCED Archaeology cheek, cris, Braxton Soderman and Nicole Starosielski.(2013) Network Archaeology. Amodern Journal. Vol. 2

CROSS REFERENCED Archaeology Abbing, R. and Morandi, M. (2016) The stupid network that we know and love. Available at

Toupin, S. (2016) Gesturing Towards "Anti-Colonial Hacking" and its Infrastructure. Journal of Peer Production

CROSS REFERENCED Feminism Toupin, S. and Hache. A. () Feminist Autonomous Infrastructures

Cramer, F. () Peer-to-Peer Services: Transgressing the Archive (and its melodies?). Digital Craft. Available at

CROSS REFERENCED Archaeology Striegl, L. and Emerson, L. (2019). Anarchive as technique in the Media Archaeology Lab | building a one Laptop Per Child mesh network. International Journal of Digital Humanities, 1(1), pp.59-70.

CROSS REFERENCED Archaeology Emerson, L. () Minitel, 1978-2012. Available at:

CROSS REFERENCED Archaeology Emerson, L (2016) Workshop // Othernet, Alternet, Darknet. Available at:

CROSS REFERENCED Archaeology What’s Wrong With the Internet and How We Can Fix It: Interview With Internet Pioneer John Day. Available at

CROSS REFERENCED Archaeology Rosenzweig, R. (1998). Wizards, Bureaucrats, Warriors, and Hackers: Writing the History of the Internet. The American Historical Review, 103(5), p.1530.

Easterling, K. (2014). Extrastatecraft; London ; Brooklyn, NY: Verso

Aranda, J., Kuan Wood, B., Vidokle, A., Assange, J., Berardi Bifo, F., Diederichsen, D., Latour, B., Lovink, G., MacCormack, P., Obrist, H. and Steyerl, H. (2015). The Internet Does Not Exist. Berlin: Sternberg Press.

Barbrook, R. and Cameron, A. ()The Internet Revolution: From Dot-com Capitalism to Cybernetic Communism. Amsterdam: Institute for Network Cultures.

CROSS REFERENCED Archaeology Edwards, P. (1996). The Closed World: Computers and the Politics of Discourse in Cold War America

Media Archaeology

CROSS REFERENCED Rosenzweig, R. (1998). Wizards, Bureaucrats, Warriors, and Hackers: Writing the History of the Internet. The American Historical Review, 103(5), p.1530.

Hertz,G. (2009) Methodologies of Reuse in the Media Arts: Exploring Black Boxes, Tatics and Archaeologies. Ditigal Arts and Culture

CROSS REFERENCED network Striegl, L. and Emerson, L. (2019). Anarchive as technique in the Media Archaeology Lab | building a one Laptop Per Child mesh network. International Journal of Digital Humanities, 1(1), pp.59-70.

Li, P. () Zomebie Media Art - Media Archaeology as Art Methodology

CROSS REFERENCED network Emerson, L (2016) Workshop // Othernet, Alternet, Darknet. Available at:

CROSS REFERENCED network What’s Wrong With the Internet and How We Can Fix It: Interview With Internet Pioneer John Day. Available at

CROSS REFERENCED network Abbing, R. and Morandi, M. (2016) The stupid network that we know and love. Available at

CROSS REFERENCE Archaeology Abbing, R. and Morandi, M. (2016). Using a Teletype Model 43 with Gnu/Linux. MALware Technical Report. Available at:

CROSS REFERENCED network Emerson, L. () Minitel, 1978-2012. Available at:

Emerson, L. and Kirby, J. (2016) As if, or, Using Media Archaeology to Reminagine Past, Present, and Future: An Interview with Lori Emerson. International Journal of Communication Volume 10.

CROSS REFERENCED network Edwards, P. (1996). The Closed World: Computers and the Politics of Discourse in Cold War America

CROSS REFERENCED network cheek, cris, Braxton Soderman and Nicole Starosielski.(2013) Network Archaeology. Amodern Journal. Vol. 2

Sun, Y. et al (2015). Reliving the Past and Making a Harmonious Society Today: A study of elderly electronic hackers in China. Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, CSCW 2015, Vancouver, Canada.

Open Source Software/Hardware Practices

CROSS REFERENCE Maker Movement Mazzilli-Daechsel, S. (2019). Simondon and the maker movement. Culture, Theory and Critique, pp.1-13.

CROSS REFERENCE Archaeology Abbing, R. and Morandi, M. (2016). Using a Teletype Model 43 with Gnu/Linux. MALware Technical Report. Available at:

CROSS REFERENCED network Abraham, A. and Bansal, L. (2006). In the shade of the commons. Amsterdam: Waag Society.

CROSS REFERENCED Feminism Nafus, D.(2011). Patches Don't Have Gender: What is Not Open in Open Source Software. New Media & Society

Coffin, J (2006) Analysis of Open Source Principles in Diverse Collaborative Communities. First Monday, volume 11, number 6

Coleman, G. (2012). Coding Freedom. Princeton University Press.

Kelty, C. (2008). Two Bits: The Cultural Significance of free Software. Duke University Press

Kelty, C. (). There is No Free Software. Journal of Peer Production

Mansoux, A. (2017) Sandbox Culture, A Study of the Application of Free and Open Source Software Licensing Ideas to Art and Cultural Production. PhD thesis, Center for Cultural Studies,Goldsmith College, University of London.

Mansoux, A. () My Lawyer is an Artist: Free Culture Licenses as Art Manifestos

Mansoux, A. and de Valk, M. FLOSS + Art

Lee, C. (2008) Art unlimited: an investigation into contemporary digital arts and the free software movement. PhD thesis, Middlesex University Available at

Snelting, F. () Awkward Gestures: designing with Free Software

Nuvolari, A. () Open Source Software Development: Some Historical Perspectives. First Monday, Volume 10, Number 10.

Freeman, J. (1972) The Tyranny of Structurelessness. Published on The Second Wave.


CROSS REFERENCED Nafus, D.(2011). Patches Don't Have Gender: What is Not Open in Open Source Software. New Media & Society

Haraway, D. (1988). Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective. Feminist Studies, Vol 14, No.3

CROSS REFERENCED Toupin, S.(2014) Feminist Hackerspaces: The Synthesis of Feminist and Hacker Cultures. Journal of Peer Production, 2014 Available at:

CROSS REFERENCED Toupin, S. () Feminist Hacking. Resistance through Spatiality. The Beautiful Warriors, Technofeminist Praxis in The 21st Century. Minor Compositions.

Livio, M. and Emerson, L. () Towards Feminist Labs: Provocations for Collective Knowledge-Making

CROSS REFERENCED Toupin, S. and Hache. A. () Feminist Autonomous Infrastructures

Maker Movement / DIY DIT Hacktivism

Lindtner, S. (2015). Hacking with Chinese Characteristics. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 40(5), pp.854-879.

CROSS REFERENCED network Dragana, D. and Charitos, D. (2017). Going Off the Cloud: The Role of the Art in the Development of a User Owned & Controlled Connected World. Journal of Peer Production, Issue 9

CROSS REFERENCED Toupin, S.(2014) Feminist Hackerspaces: The Synthesis of Feminist and Hacker Cultures. Journal of Peer Production, 2014 Available at:

CROSS REFERENCED Toupin, S. () Feminist Hacking. Resistance through Spatiality. The Beautiful Warriors, Technofeminist Praxis in The 21st Century. Minor Compositions.

CROSS REFERENCE Open Practice Mazzilli-Daechsel, S. (2019). Simondon and the maker movement. Culture, Theory and Critique, pp.1-13.

Textual Medium

Guerra, J. (2019). Feminism and Protocols. Internet-Draft. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Available at:

Relevancy to be determined/Broader scope

Bridle, J. (2018). New Dark Age: Technology and the End of the Future. London ; Brooklyn, NY: Verso

Crary, J. (2014). 24/7. London: Verso.

Han, B. (2017). Psychopolitics. London ; Brooklyn, NY: Verso

Halpern, O. (2015). Beautiful data. Durham: Duke University Press.

Turner, F. (2010). From Counterculture to Cyberculture. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

No Longer Relevant

de Kloet, J. (2002). Digitisation and Its Asian Discontents: The Internet, Politics and Hacking in China and Indonesia

Knowledge Production

Illich, I. (1971). Deschooling Society. Marion Boyars Publishers Ltd.