correctness--practicality quality and craftmanship
definition- draw lines
workspaces in artscools come historically from bauhaus
(bauhaus curriculum)
First academy, Plato, painting scool of Athens historical depiction, rennaisance painting shows how people in rennaisance saw classical years education, this is neoplatonistic image. plato is not allowing painters in the academy cos they produce shadows and lies art for him was a lie/ relation to christianity? in neoplatonism duality becomes a complex systems. similarity with christianity, muslims and plato, plato allowed poets
Marsilio Ficino, founded Academy
central perspektive alberti +++++webgl?
(more collective the bauhaus approach)
notion of making= ποιείν
platos cave media theory simulacra and hyperreality, baudrillard
material reality is deceptive
fabricated experience
the higher truth is not the material truth (platos theory on ideas)
plato saw everyone as a maker but not as a philosopher (*πολιτεια), he had the same problem with rhetoricians(Gorgias), they use means of perception, philosophers shouls see the truth
conceptual art, SolLewit, detachment of the artist from the actual execution, artist is conceptualising(platos divide between thinking and making)
septem artes liberales,
arts as capability and skills---fromLatin., medieval nothion
devision betwwen liberal(grammar, rhetoric,logic blbal) and mechanical (mathematics, astronomy music, )arts artistis research
Kevin Mitnich art of deception
hacking and social engineering
division of think and make is an attack to platos approach
πΟΛΊΤΕΊΑ ΠΛΑΤΟ, REPUBLIC ruled by the wise men (islamic theocracies, nasism)
like democracy, no participation!!!!
utopia-thomas morus novel black n white approach with no plan ideas to reach it would be revolutionary (european reformation) french revolution as antithesis of previous status, synthesis is the ..
historical *dialektikal) materialism (it has to be an gradual process)
dialektis -rhetorics ====absolute idea. romanitism .artisticsubjectivty!.
contradiction?subjectivity and art scools
thesis-antithesis, synthesis Hegel used this system of dialektis developed in greek antiquity and apply it to social andp olitical history eurocentric
virtual reality and UTOpia, cyberspace and utopia second life virtual is a sense of non physical, metaverse
property and ownership
FUkuYama end of history after the collapse of east block supporing american system as the best
discussion in comunism do we need art? functional art, social realism, we no longer need the avant garde Leninm
marx n communismm historical materialism
working class, in charge dissolve the working class
workers allienation
ivan sutherland?
sennet as neomarxist
is craft on the material side?
engaged opposed to allienated
quality->what is?, attitude?, subjectivism? is a question of an attitude
engagement as obligation?
quality and engagement
creative industries but allienated labor
not driven by engagement
what is engagement?maybe reference to sartre, engaged literature-art,political engagement, theopposite of the romantistis artists that makes art for his owns sake enganged art is social critique art
jeane van heeswijik and engagement?
now engagement with production and less with the process so more the outcome raftmanship and first net art not in museum selfgalleries no mediators etc
craftmanshp and unallienated labor
sennet tried to get rid of the ideas behind these, gets to the very materialist side
situationists , work, experimental, playfull, cities no longer functions
a-social artist, late romantistis idea
social network?/ engaged?
arts n crafts movement, reaction to industrial revoution
its liek this diy now with e-culture
situtations were influecned by the dutch culture of huizing play ()
american situtations based in S Fransicto- later silicon valley
atlernate cybernetics, change code of brian? The net = Lutz Dammbeck *************************
The Well first electonic media
howard rheingold
Kislowki, the Amateur
is Sennet a reaction to globalisation , capitalism etc