User:ØverLørd/Personal reader

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A resource bank
Wark, M. (2021). CAPITAL IS DEAD : is this something worse?. S.L.: Verso.

During one of the classes we conducted interviews, in order to try to put our concerns and interests into words.
Check it out (or don't)

Textual information undergoing processing

A rant about Technology

Summary: In the rant about technology, Ursula K. Leguin wants to challenge how main-stream discourses understands technology. She makes a point that in these discourses (related to hard/non-hard sci-fi) seem to neglect the fact that technology not only entails the high-tech, but also the non-high-tech like clothes, paper or language. A point made in the text is that "technology is how a society copes with physical reality", and this coping may entail the clothes that you wear in order to fit in at the new school, or the phone you use to call your loved ones in another country. In other words technology permeates every aspect of life in a (modern) society to some extent.

CAPITAL IS DEAD: is this something worse?

If you want to hear Wark's own words on the book and topics:

Mckenzie wark is an australian scholar that is known for her work with A hacker manifesto (2004), Not to be confused with the essay The hacker manifesto (1986). A central theme (From my understanding(this far into the book))commodification and economics of information. McKenzie suggests that our current models of capitalism are not sufficient to describe how value and surplus is (generated)extracted in big-tech-big-data. The concept of the vectoralist class is used to describe current informational economies. A (to me)fuzzy term, that suggest that like capital and land, information is a form of property, that is monopolized by the likes of Elon Tusk, Mark Zukondis, and Peter Thief. By controlling the infrastructures that directs the flows of information, the vectoralist class can then extract data, package and label it, and sell it to the highest bidder on the "free" marked. These processes are enforced through extensive lobbyism, which ensures the vectoralists keep the fruits of their labour.

Infraordinary incidents

As I am required to restart my computer in order for some cracked proprietary software to function, I will use this opportunity to start with clean slates, and close all my tabs. Instead of just pasting the links somewhere to be forgotten I will dedicate a moment to commemorate all these tabs. In hope of capturing why I thought they were so important to keep them open, in the first place.

These are my current tabs, as of 11.06.2024, read from left to right:
Wikipedia page about the ~1960s french movement "Situationist International", some people concerned with "spectacle", which described how the monotonous choreography of advanced capitalist consumer society propelled the image of a more real, than real reality through media and social relations. – Whilst the person across the street needs to work a 9-5 in order to make ends meet, the rich and famous are out there in the real world experiencing true life on their yacths and jets (or smthng). According to the wikipedia article they(the SI) draw a lot upon Marx in their analysis of the current (~1960s) capitalism, drawing upon concepts such as alienation and commodity fetishism. At a later point the article suggest that the movement reached it's apex during the protests in May 1968, which apparently was influenced by the "most significant texts" of the movement; Guy Debord's The Society of the Spectacle and Raoul Vaneigem's The Revolution of Everyday Life.
A TL;DR of a git repository of resources that explains how you can put custom firmware on digital price-tags, so that you can upload whatever image you want using bluetooth.

  • A search engine search for "geoJSON"*

Whilst looking into the workings of a 3D map of Rotterdam, from the municipality's innovation center. This format peaked my interest, I wondered how it related to JSON-Javascript object notation. It is basically a format for representing "simple geographic features, as well as non-spatial attributes". A true testimony to the reckless quantification and appropriation of the "natural world", turning lived experiences into computer games.

  • Zulip chat window with some links*

The links I was sent(read from top to bottom): an etherpad that contains some notes and links relating to digital price-tags. Link to a web-application that allows you to upload images to digital price tags via bluetooth, from the same repository as the above mentioned tab.
A click bait title article (analysis as they prefer to call it), that I stumbled upon whilst searching for "counter terrorism"(?). The article is written by an editorial intern and talks about how generative AI makes it possible for terrorist organizations to offer "interactive recruitment" and propaganda across social media channels. In addition it seems like the use the likes of chatGPT to generate javascript for their drones or something. I don't recommend this article.

\*new tab*

enjoy som space
Documentary from 1989 on the Situationist International, directed and produced by Branka Bogdanov. Something made apparent in this film is how the situationists wanted to negate the commodity-fixated enterprise of art. instead they wanted to realize art, by promoting everyday life as continuously delirious ecstatic creative experience. Thus they wanted to create situations which emphasized freedom and possibilities, where the subject activates the art by internalizing and redesigning.
This could probably do with some more unpacking…

  • Search engine image-search for "situationist internationalarchitectural model"*
  • Search engine image-search for "constant nieuwenhuys sculpture"*

In a conversation with a fellow student, I wanted to read more about some sculptures from the SI-movement, I needed to know the name of the project, which was new babylon project.
reading about the above-searched artist and project. Constant Nieuwenhuys' practice was concerned with the subjects need to express oneself. In a pursuit of "renewing himself" he explored new abstract visual language and started making sculptures. Utilizing metal wire shaped and soldered together, he created architectural sculptures. Multiple of these models culminated into the new Babylon project, an imaginary futuristic metropolis, where the people are free from the chains of labour, and life is about embracing creativity.
Another reading on the new Babylon project. this one includes a quote from the artist: “I am not a designer, just a mere provocateur. I confine myself to making suggestions. What has been defined is the concept of New Babylon, not its physical form.” A lot of the same as the previous tab. But also sheds light that Nieuwenhuys proposed a nomadic style of living in these future city, with all collective property, and all work automated and conducted by robots.

  • Search engine search fro "unitarian urbanism"*

This is of course a misspelling of "unitary urbanism" as the search engine so kindly suggested. Which in turn was a critique developed by the Letterists Internationale, (Which the Situationist Internationale was heavily influenced by), of at the time ideas of urbanism.
Yet another article on New Babylon project, here is a quote from the article " New Babylon is inhabited by homo ludens, who liberated from labor, has no need for art because he can be creative in his daily life."
Im not sure to be honest, some sort of python project…

  • Search engine search "for usb c data transfer cable"*

I needed to buy a cable like this to be able to connect my recently acquired microcontroller to my computer. using a USB-C to USB-2 And then USB-2 to USB-C did not seem to do the trick. maybe my cable was bad.

  • Order confirmation from website dealing consumer-electronics*

I found I suitible cable, and it should arrive in 2 days. I hope it works.
They did not have the cable I was searching for, at least not for a reasonable price.

  • Search engine search of "dahliastraat 54"*

I needed to know the post code of my home in order to order the cable. it is 3073 BE.

  • Zulip stream of the Special issue 24*

Very confronting, as the launch is very soon. there was this funny link on there though

  • Search engine search of "assess"*

This word looks crazy to me, no way it is spelt correctly, oh wait it actually is?! (Not the first time having to look up this word)
Editing this very wiki-page.
The wikipedia article on Detournement, a technique developed by Letterist International later adapted by the Situationists international. defined in some Situationist journal in the late 50's as: "[t]he integration of present or past artistic productions into a superior construction of a milieu. In this sense there can be no situationist painting or music, but only a situationist use of those means. In a more elementary sense, détournement within the old cultural spheres is a method of propaganda, a method which reveals the wearing out and loss of importance of those spheres."

That was all the tabs, or so I thought. Unfortunately I discovered another browser window, luckily it only had 3 tabs open. again from left to right.

  • Search engine search for "idea hazards"*

This concept first caught my attention in a youtube-video. Idea hazards are a type of information hazards, that is an idea that would cause harm if executed. An example highlighted by the search enigne (from a wikipedia article) is the idea of using nuclear fission to create a bomb. I don't think this is a good example. The example that really caught my attention from the initial youtube video, was a technique that allegedly allows you to break your own thumb with (relative) easy, simply by moving your body in a particular way. Im not sure if it actually works, but Im not going to try.
A reddit post on infohazards, also mentions an interesting thought experiment called Roko's Basilisk, be careful to look it up, there is no going back. The post refers to a paper on the topic.
The paper referenced in the above mentioned post.