PZI Graduation Catalogue 2014
It is no secret that all things come to an end. Often, this is a fortunate thing; imagine an endless life spent on troubleshooting a challenging, but obstinate piece of code! Endings can be good things. Yet, somehow we feel melancholic when they approach. The conclusion of our master study Media Design & Communication at the Piet Zwart Institute evokes just such mixed feelings. All nine of us have crossed the rough terrain of media schooling and now it is time to travel on.
Ideas, plans and expectations can be quite like toes. In 2012 the nine of us entered Piet Zwart with a full set of them, exposed by metaphorical flip flops and daring the institute to step on them. Of course, this is precisely what happened. Like a bumpy elephant the institution stomped around for two years, forcing us to keep moving. Sometimes we took a step back to protect our toes and sometimes we made a big leap forward.
With the elephant out of the studio and our time at Piet Zwart at an end we can safely look back towards our efforts and present you, dear reader, our catalogue. In it you will find the fruits of our time together. These are the places we jumped to in our endless game of twister between school and ourselves. Besides descriptions of our graduation projects, you will find a little of us in these pages. The wiki that we edited throughout the last two years will help us stay as truthful as possible.
Whatever the future may bring we have this catalogue as a testimonial to our efforts, struggles, fears and dreams. It is up to us to make this catalogue become an item worth reminiscing over. Will we discard it in our underwear drawer or will we proudly display it behind the desks of our design agencies? Only our upcoming efforts will tell. Before us lies an immense landscape with no one to step on our toes. The horizon is there for the taking!
Download Catalogue (PDF, 82 MB)