The Other Name: Septology I-I - Jon Fosse

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

"it’s always, always the darkest part of the picture that shines the most"

"sitting there looking at the young man in the black coat on a bench with a brown leather bag on his shoulder and the young woman in a purple skirt on a swing, because they’re still just sitting there, without moving, yes, like part of a painting, yes that too, but when I paint it’s always as if I’m trying to paint away the pictures stuck inside me, yes, the ones like this picture, of him and her sitting there, to get rid of them in a way, be done with them,"

"...and, I think, it’s the same with the writing I like to read, what matters isn’t what it literally says about this or that, it’s something else, something that silently speaks in and behind the lines and the sentences..."


This took me a long time to read, the end is very harrowing however it also makes takes the give sense to everything that came before. In a way, it does feel like one long thought or understanding, and when the end comes, and you close the book, you just think "okay, I get it now", less I get the book but I get the Asle's. It's crushingly sad and true.


Fosse, Jon, and Damion Searls. The Other Name: Septology I-II. Fitcarraldo Editions, 2020.


Contionoius prose/slow prose are terms used to describe. Repetition used a lot, not sure about this. Would I read the next installement?