Dry Definitions
<work in progress> 'Tactical' is often referred to in combat tactics, relating to the employment of weapons and forces to the battlefront. [source] It too relates to the methods used to achieve something [source] or accomplish a particular result. As well as actions, that serve a larger purpose. [source]
It strongly relates to its own etymology, which was derived from the Greek term for the 'art of arrangement', taktike techne. [source] Where nowadays tactical is most often used in terms of warfare, its history stronger relates to the art of publishing; of artfully arranging and/or planning. </work in progress>
Related References
- Cambridge Dictionary definitions of 'Tactical': https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/tactical
- Merriam-Webster definitions of 'Tactical': https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/tactical
XPUB Definition
(1) A method that is considered, planned, and designed to outmanouver an opposition, in order to achieve a predefined goal.
(2) An object, any object, featuring one or more or all of the following features:
- A camouflage pattern
- Hard plastics on cloth
- Inexplicable metal bits
- A matte black paintjob
- Inscriptions of 'cool' and/or 'badass' imagery (i.e. skulls, predator animals, predator animal skulls)
- Attachment rail(s)