where does digital shameless self expression start and how would it exist on my screen?
would they have a date of birth or were they a favorite something of someone who might be long gone?
did she come with a style, does she have a background?
can she stand by herself or does she need need someone to bring her up?
is there a way to look into her insides to see how she was made, where she was born and who was there at her beginning?
why does it matter where I saw her and how was our interaction?
can i see her again the last place I saw her and does it matter how much we see each other?
can i show her off to my friends?
does she have news for me?
I want to know what she is up to and I wanna know what she could teach me.
would she stay the same as the years go by?
would her expression change over time?
Where was she born and does making that place obsolete erase her existence?
would it be so that i can never see her again or would i see a carcass of something that was once was the passionate shameless self expression?
Could I see her again if I put her on my server myself?