Secret identity of the city

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

1) take pictures of the stickers through the city

Stickers 02.jpg

2) research one of the stickers

The space.pngThe space 02.png

what is Dona Daria?

Dona daria.png

3) try to explain the history behind the sticker in a paragraph

Dona Daria is an organization based in Rotterdam that helps the society to grow and makes the opportunities for them.

the name Dona Daria means sharing knowledge and learning. The space, is a department in Dona Daria which works with the youth generation and helps them to grow. they recently started a podcast with Matheus Santana, a content creator who recently moved to the Netherlands. the recorded the first episode recently and i think i am going to contact them about the space and the podcast to have an interview with the Matheus.

Dona Daria has fifteen different programs right now that are active. i personally think connecting with this organization would help a lot of expats and students who recently moved to the netherlands and try to be a part of the society.