SSH proxy jump

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki
Manetta proxy jump.jpg

As the collective sandbox servers are hosted from the school, they use a hidden VPN network to connect to the internet, famously known as the HUB.

To be able to SSH to a sandbox server from outside of the school, you can use a SSH proxy jump.

The SSH proxy jump will make a connection to the sandbox through XPUB's XVM server.

First make and upload a SSH key for your sandbox user

You can follow the instructions on this page: SSH

These steps need to be done on your own computer.

Configure the SSH proxy jump

The SSH proxy jump works with a special user (called "jump") on the xvm (the XPUB server). We work with one shared pair of keys for this user: the jump user SSH keys. Everyone downloads these keys to their local .ssh folder, and the public key is installed on the xvm.

To do this, first download the jump keys from Zulip. The keys we use this year (2024/2026) can be found here. Save them to the ~/.ssh/ folder on your laptop (not on the sandbox!):


Copy the following config file, change the USERNAME to your username, and save it to ~/.ssh/config on your laptop:

Host xvm_jump
User jump
Port 2501
Identityfile ~/.ssh/jump

Hostname 10.0.0.XX
ProxyJump xvm_jump
Identityfile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519

Now, you should be able to ssh to the sandbox, both from the school and outside the school, with this command:


(for staff) generate and install new jump SSH keys

We started to work with a new set of keys for the jump user for each year, because passphrases were forgotten, or the keys somehow mysteriously did not work.

So for a new year:

  1. generate a new pair of keys
  2. rename them to jump and, and share them with the students on zulip
  3. ssh into xvm, switch to the jump user: $ sudo su jump
  4. copy one of the lines in /home/jump/.ssh/authorized_keys and add

Uploading files with FTP

You can use the SSH shortcut from your config file, and SSH key that you generated.

  • servername: cerealbox
  • key: select id_ed25519


Unfortunately, FileZilla does not support ProxyJump connections :(.



Howto: you can follow this screenshot that Sevgi made:





Howto: i did not test winscp yet, but it should work in the same way as Cyberduck :fingers_crossed:

Kiara's edit on how to connect through WinSCP:

  • In "Tabs" select "Sites" and "Sites Manager"
  • There, bottom-left there is "Tools" - click on the arrow and "Import Sites"
  • In "Import from" select "OpenSSH"
  • Check all the sites you want to import and click "OK"
  • The sites now appear in the list, you just have to select the one corresponding to your server (at the time i'm writing this, our server is cerealbox) and connect to it!


(using the terminal)

You can also upload files through the terminal with scp.

I made a short howto page on the wiki: scp

Claudio's notes


On each year's server there are different users, including yours.

When you connect to the server you normally type this in the terminal :

$ ssh + *yourusername + *ip address of the server

NOTE: your server's ip address might vary from time to time.

Inside of the school this works, because you're connecting from your computer to the server under the same network, but how does it work from home or from outside of the school's walls in general? If you were at home and tried to use the same command formula you'd notice it wouldn't work.

This is an example error:

$ ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out

If you're somewhere else outside of the school you have to connect to the XVM (XpubVirtualMachine) server, which is another public server that hosts all the sandboxes (and other things, like the programs we use like Mediawiki and Etherpad). The XVM is somewhere, but definitely not in the building. Inside the XVM, you'll log into a public user called "jump", which is part of a private connection shared with your year's server (sandbox) that is not accessible to the broader "public" (VPN), through this connection you then connect to your server.

To sum it up: the plan is not to connect to your server directly from your home to the school:

(home → server = ERROR)

but to connect to XVM first and then connecting to the server:

(home → XVM → server = SUCCESS)


Yes, but how?

We'll use another method of authentication instead of the usual one (which is the password authentication) called SSH key pairs.

When using this other method we won't be asked fora a password upon connecting, we'll check a match for IDs between our computer and the server we are trying to connect to.

To generate your keys we use this command:

NOTE: run this command from your local computer, not from the server.

$ ssh-keygen -t ed25519

You'll be asked some questions, like to put a passphrase and where to store the keys, if you continue to press enter everything will be generated with defaults (no passphrase and default location)

These are your keys, one is private and the other is public:

  • the private key: id_ed25519
  • the public key:

IMPORTANT: always use the .pub key, NEVER copy the private one (the one without file extension)

You'll find your keys in your computer's user directory:

  • linux: /home/USER/.ssh/...
  • mac: /Users/USER/.ssh/...
  • windows: C:\Users\USER\.ssh\...

Now you have to put your public key inside of your user on the server you want to log into.

NOTE: the following steps assume you are inside the school:

Log into your server (the "ssh + username + ip" formula used above) with password authentication.

From your home, get into the directory .ssh/

$ cd .ssh/

Open the authorized_keys file:

$ nano authorized_keys

paste inside your public key (the contents of

Now that your key is on your user on your server, you can exit the server.

from your local machine type:

$ ssh yourusername@yourserver

and it should work.

There are fancier ways to this, like with a config file that allows you to use shortcuts, but for now this is the basic setup. You can check how to make the config file at this page:


anyways, here's what happened:

☻ you send an ID for the key pair you're using to the server.

☻ the server will check for the "authorized_keys" file on your user on the server you are trying to log in to.

☻ if in the "authorized_keys" file there a match of your ID, a random message will be generated, encrypted, and sent back to you.

☻ you will decrypt the message with your private key.

☻ you send a message back to the server (ex. hello server, I've done my homework, here's the message decrypted).

☻ the server compares the message it sent to the one you decrypted, if they match it proves you are you (wow) and you are authenticated.

See also