SP22 Timeline (Wordhole)

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

Week 1 (18/09-22/09)

SI: Visited Worm for the first time.
Prototyping: Produced memory and metadata recordings from field recordings on radio aporee. Riviera and Victor produced a cassette tape recording from an old Shell easy listening violin tape that they used to record from the radio.

SI Broadcast: All the above recordings (along with the original field recordings) were used for our first broadcast at Radio Worm, along with sound and poetry reading experiments that we conducted on the spot. We introduced the pad as a method of communicating with the caretakers.
Caretakers: Bernadette, Victor, Maria
Prototyping: Introduction to the server and commands (ssh etc.)

Methods: We produced our first collective annotated documents. We began annotating collectively "Postscript on the Societies of Control" (Deleuze, 1992) and then went on to divide into three groups that created their own annotating protocols (eg. reading all together, annotating separately and then discussing, or reading separately, discussing first and annotating as a group). One group annotated the aforementioned article, another the "Tyranny of Structurelessness" (Freeman, 1970-73) and a third one "Queerying Homophily" (Chun, 2018). We later came together to present the articles and our process to our classmates and to find common themes in all texts and how they connect to our project.

Pads (aka the field notes of our collective discussions and meetings):
Monday: https://pad.xpub.nl/p/SI22-week1
Wednesday: https://pad.xpub.nl/p/AnnotateDataset'sRuins

Week 2 (25/09-29/09)

Prototyping: We created and named our server, Chopchop. It was a collective effort, during which we also had the chance to discuss and choose voting protocols (hands high, middle-high or down).

SI Broadcast: Our second broadcast was created, which had a participatory element, as there was interaction (and a game) between the caretakers and the class.
Caretakers: Anita, Mania, Wang
Prototyping: On the same day we created our first soundboards in teams, using html and css.

Pads (aka the field notes of our collective discussions and meetings):
Monday: https://pad.xpub.nl/p/SI22-Monday-Sept-25
Tuesday: https://pad.xpub.nl/p/SI22-Monday-Sept-26

Week 3 (02/10-06/10)

Prototyping: We created our own radio on our servers. We produced audio files with protocols for Tuesday's radio show. We started sharing expectations and ideas regarding zine camp and teamed up (loosely).

SI Broadcast: Third broadcast, that used the recorded protocols and "Death of the Author" readings and our collective annotation on "Ontology of Performance". The caretakers interacted with the class and asked questions.
Caretakers: Riviera, Lorenzo, Senka
Prototyping: We turned headphones into microphones and experimented with different types of microphones in teams.

Methods: We created our visual map (with different colors and bigger letters according to the importance of a word) with all the processes and practices we had developed thus far and the keywords that would be used later as basis for our glossary.

Pads (aka the field notes of our collective discussions and meetings):
Monday: https://pad.xpub.nl/p/SI22-Monday-Oct-02
Tuesday: https://pad.xpub.nl/p/SI22-03-Oct-Tuesday

Week 4 (09/10-13/10)

SI: We used curl and weasyprint to transform HTML and CSS into PDF documents. We used a pad as a collaborative stylesheet. Experimenting with Grep initiated more ideas how to manipulate text.

SI Broadcast: The radio broadcast was devoted to destroying protocols. This time the caretakers group included interviews which turned out to be very interesting and as a group we decided that we wanted to continue this idea and continue to include interviews in our radio programs. During radio show we had breakfast ( a new protocol that emerged but did not survived).
Caretakers: Michel, Zuzu, Alessia

Prototyping: We worked on flow charts, reflecting the network of connections of various aspects that make up the broad topic of archives. For this task we used open source graph visualization software - Graphiz
We started by writing down the questions we would like to pay more attention to:

  • Question of time (past/ present / future)
  • Question of how to activate an archive
  • Question of consent
  • Question of accessibility

Each group had to discuss the topic and visualize their considerations in the form of a flow chart.
This excersise enabled us to visualize the network of relationships between individual entries and better understand the topic we are dealing with.
For the rest of the day the plan was to plot our diagrams with pen plotters.

Methods: We were working on a Glossary for the Special Issue publication ‘Protocols for an Active Archive'. Wordhole is a glossary containing a set of concepts that accompany our searches. Together, we created definitions of these concepts, taking into account our individual interpretations. The Glossary aims to help us understand the area in which we are moving, enabling critical reflection and creating new meanings. We want to make sure that we do not stay on the surface when using these concepts, but that we consciously and critically delve into them understanding its significance.

Pads (aka the field notes of our collective discussions and meetings):
Monday: https://pad.xpub.nl/p/SI22-Monday-Oct-09
Tuesday: https://pad.xpub.nl/p/SI22-Tuesday-Oct-10
Wednesday: https://pad.xpub.nl/p/Wed-11-Oct23

Week 5 (Autumn break)

Most of the time this week was dedicated for zine camp preparation and individual projects. We have been working in smaller teams on zines related to the topics we have covered in recent weeks. We also tried to take into account the tools we learned and reflect on the insights that we gathered so far.
Holiday special broadcast of the "best of" previous broadcasts.
Caretakers: Rosa

Pads (aka the field notes of our collective discussions and meetings):
Monday: /
Tuesday: /
Wednesday: /

Week 6 (23/10-27/10)

Monday: SI: Michael demonstrated downloading Youtube videos; now available on chopchop. We had a discussion for INC Going Hybrid (10th November dissemination event)
https://networkcultures.org/goinghybrid/, during which we collectively decided what to include.

Prototyping: Joseph encouraged us to manipulate the tape. By cutting and connecting pieces again we created loops.

SI Broadcast: Choose-your-own-adventure game broadcast "Hitchhikers guide to an Active Archive". Caretakers took on different roles with different protocols: Performer, Navigator and Protocoller were guiding us to get to WORMHOLE. We used a pad as a main method for communication between caretakers and the audience.
Caretakers: Thijs, Rosa, Anita

Prototypying: Working further on the soundboards, we have learned how to control mp3 with javascript to change the play rate and/or loop it.
During zine camp meeting we were discussing steps to move forward and tried to develop collaboration protocols.

Methods: We used the Method's session to dive deeper into the Wordhole, by practicing our paraphrasing skills.

Pads (aka the field notes of our collective discussions and meetings):
Monday: https://pad.xpub.nl/p/SI22-Monday-Oct-23
Tuesday: https://pad.xpub.nl/p/Tue-24-Oct23
Wednesday: https://pad.xpub.nl/p/Wed25Oct23Methods

Week 7 (30/10-03/11)

SI + Prototyping: Support mode class in preparation of Zine Camp. We shared what we were working on, offered feedback, and went through the making steps of Maria's zine to see how it can become welcoming for other to contribute. Shared our experiences with collaboration in the past and made proposals for future things to implement (eg. more frequent breaks, check-ins at the beginning of class, having an agenda and timekeeping). Introduction to Pandoc, universal document converter.
SI - Broadcast: Speculative fiction broadcast "Personal Accounts of Irreplaceable Lace: A 200 year long history of Lost and Found". The broadcast utilized and made a collectively written speculative fiction story on the materials used to archive, created "jingles" for different time segments (past, present, future), and utilized a mixtape recording.
Caretakers: Riviera, Victor, Senka
Prototyping: Support mode class in preparation of Zine Camp. We explored HTML and CSS more.
Methods: Produced more entries for the Wordhole glossary, by focusing on writing down what practices have we performed, elements we have produced, and plans we have made. We went into line by line collective editing to refine these new Wordhole entries, which are more related to what we have made, then simply what we have read or discussed.

Pads (aka the field notes of our collective discussions and meetings):
Monday: https://pad.xpub.nl/p/SI22-Monday-Oct-30
Tuesday: https://pad.xpub.nl/p/SI22-Tuesday-Oct-31
Wednesday: https://pad.xpub.nl/p/Wed01Nov23Methods

Week 8 (6/11-10/11)

SI + Prototyping: Split into groups of Content/Editorial and Event/Exhibition. Content group devised a set of questions that could be used to interview radio makers while the event group. Exhibition group made prototype proposals that were encompassed in a picnic box.
SI - Broadcast: First collective-caretakers broadcast. Everyone was in Worm, fisrt the the presentation of Zine camp was played. Then people took turns in interviewing Lukas, Liuewe and Ash, with a set of questions we have collectively refined, voted on, and choose.
Caretakers: Everyone
Prototyping: Discussion of the Special issue without the use of laptops. We divided into groups to find consensus in what the purpose and goal of our publication is. Joseph tried to write down and summarize our points. Afterwards we mapped out possible metaphors, which could be the framework of our publication.
Methods: Separated into 3 groups in order to write down what we have produced and organized so far. Each group wrote in a different genre: Fiction, Interviews, Field Report.

Pads (aka the field notes of our collective discussions and meetings):
Monday: https://pad.xpub.nl/p/Mon_6_11_23
Tuesday: https://pad.xpub.nl/p/Tuesday_9_11_23
Wednesday: https://pad.xpub.nl/p/Wed08Nov23Methods

References (in chronological order):

Week 1:

Chun, Wendy Hui Kyong, (2018), Queerying Homophily [link]
Deleuze, Gilles, (1992), Postscript on the Societies of Control [link]
Freeman, Jo, (1970-73), The Tyranny of Structurelessness [link]

Week 2:

Barthes, Roland, (1977), The Death of the Author [link]
Birdsall Carolyn & Harrison, Erica, (2022), Researching Archival Histories of Radio [link]
Badenoch, Alexander, (2022), European Radio’s Silenced Witness: The European Broadcasting Union’s Written Archives [link]

Week 3:

Brecht, Bertolt, (1932), The Radio as a Communications Apparatus [link]
Phelan, Peggy (2003), The Ontology of Performance [link]
Reading Rhythms Club zine for reading methods [1]
Hannah B Higgins and Douglas Kahn, MAINFRAME EXPERIMENTALISM Early Computing and the Foundations of the Digital Arts [link]
Simon Yuill­, All Problems of Notation Will be Solved bythe Masses:Free Open Form Performance, Free/LibreOpen Source Software, and DistributivePractice­ , [link]
Georges Perec, [2]
A zine documenting the different reading methods that were used [link]
Example of visual poetry in Alice in Wonderland (the Mouse's Tale) [link]

Week 4:
Week 5:
Week 6:

Black Trans Archive [3]

Week 7:

Hartman, Saidiya, (2019) Wayward Lives, Beautiful Experiments [4]

Week 8: