telekomunistmanifesto published under Peer Production License
Telekommunisten promotes the notion of a distributed communism.
What is possible in the information age is in direct con-
flict with what is permissible
Publishers, film producers, the telekomunication conspire with law makers to saboage free networks and the free distribution of information out of their control
Corporation in sound industry try to maintain their role as mediators as the artists and the funs merge into new interactions
The non hierarchical relations in a peer network f.e. internet are contradictory to the capitalistic needs for enclosure and control
either the internet as we know it must go, or capitalism as we know it must go
Peer-to-Peer Communism vs. The Client-Server Capitalist State ===
The internet started as a network that embodied the relations of peer-to-peer communism; however, it has been re-shaped by capitalist finance into an inefficient and un-free client-server topology
The existence of peer-to-peer networks that allow producers to collaborate on a global
scale has ushered in new forms of production
Such peer production has thus far been largely contained to non-tangible, immaterial creation, yet has the potential to be extended to material production and become a threat to the existence of capitalism. In order for this to take place, an alternative to venture capitalism needs to provide a means of acquiring and efficiently allocating the collectively owned material wealth required to build free networks and free societies.
We need venture communism, a form of struggle against the continued expansion of property-based capitalism a model for worker self-organization inspired by the topology of peer-to-peer networks and the historical pastoral commons
The only way to change society is to produce and share differently.
We must develop ways to create and to reproduce commonsbased productive relationships.
The ‘market economy’ is, by definition, a surveillance economy