Motivational messages
xcybex Motivational Messages
- Goal: write a motivational message generator (in small groups)
- Possible outputs: shell wall, HTML file (on web directory), printer, audio (text-to-speech)
- input:
- process:
- output:
- design the workflow: what will be the workflow/strategy?
Life Hack Publications:
- Life hack coach
- print publication
Scripting on the Pi
> write to `some-command` between backticks is evaluated (executed) by the shell before the main commandand the output of that execution is used by that command | pipe
Input reading:
- cat
- wget - network downloader
- sed - to read specific file lines: sed -n LINENUMBERp e.g sed -n 4p sed -n 5,10p
- wc - word/line/character counter
ascii art
- figlet
- toilet
- cowsay
- jp2a
- install it: sudo apt-get install jp2a
- jpg image
- do the conversion
social tools
- write username - chat with the users
- wall - message to all users
echo HI WORLD | figlet -f /home/pi/figlet-fonts/ticksslant.flf > /dev/ttyUSB0 echo "yolo" | figlet -f /home/pi/figlet-fonts/weird.flf > /dev/ttyUSB0 echo "yolo" | figlet -f /home/pi/figlet-fonts/madrid.flf
and the command to print a jp2a is..?
jp2a -f *insert link* > /dev/ttyUSB0
jp2a -f --colors --background=light
Text Processing:
- sed - stream editor for replacing terms/character. e.g. where e is replaced by 3: sed 's/e/3/g'
cat mona.txt | sed 's/0/?/g' cat mona.txt | sed 's/e/3/g'| sed 's/o/0/g'| sed 's/a/4/g'
- sort - sort (alphabetically) lines of text files
sort --random-sort userlist.txt | head -n 1
- dadadodo - markov-chain based text generator
- text-to-speech: espeak
cat silvio.txt | dadadodo -c 1 - | espeak
art works
Artybollocks generator Templates + variables
- cron jobs
- bash scripting
bash scripting resources
- Writing Shell Scripts
Dot matrix printers
dot matrix prinrt: technicalities. can design typeface in bit data is to receive and print out characters (and make noise
The User
piping command: what does it mean to pipe? | echo "something something" |wc -w| figlet
Motivational messages - work groups
Tancredi, Paloma, Artemis, Simon team
#!/bin/sh dir=/home/txtgenerator1 A=`sort -R $dir/A.txt | head -n 1` B=`sort -R $dir/B.txt | head -n 1` C=`sort -R $dir/C.txt | head -n 1` D=`sort -R $dir/swear.txt | head -n 1` IMG=$dir/img/`sort -R $dir/img/IMG.txt| head -n 1` echo Do $A to make $B. echo $C...$D!!!hello echo $IMG TEXT="Do $A to make $B." TEXT2="$C." convert $IMG -resize 1300x \ -font "Nimbus-Mono-L-Bold" -pointsize 45 -fill white -stroke black -strokewidth 2 -blur 0x50 \ -gravity northwest -annotate +25+25 "$TEXT" -gravity southwest -annotate +25+25 "$TEXT2" $dir/motivation.jpg
C=`cat C.txt | sort -R | head -n 1`
echo $C
MEME GENERATOR --> convert ascii-code-t.jpg -font Impact-Regular -fill white -pointsize 79 -stroke black -strokewidth 3 -gravity southwest -annotate +25+25 'BLAH BLAH BLAH' test.jpg
convert ascii-code-t.jpg -font Impact-Regular -fill white -pointsize 79 -stroke black -strokewidth 3 -gravity northwest -annotate +25+25 'BLAH BLAH BLAH' test.jpg
get fonts that convert accepts convert -list font
cronjob: performs a task very so often crontab -e
Bo, Bi, Pedro, Rita group(BBPR)
In my role as Head of recruiting for technology product development in India, I have had the exciting opportunity to was director of Open State Foundation, a non-profit organization. I am Isla Garcia and I . I take responsibility and pride myself in being strategic yet adaptable. I have an entrepreneurial spirit in that I enjoy taking on new challenges, creating new opportunities and designing new programs. My passions lie in reinforcement learning. When Iâm not focused on my professional endeavors, you can find me go 14,000 feet above sea level hiking a mountain. My goal is to be a good social responsibility person in society.
In my role as Co-Founder, I have had the exciting opportunity to was director of Open State Foundation, a non-profit organization. I am Isla Garcia and I . I take responsibility and pride myself in being strategic yet adaptable. I have an entrepreneurial spirit in that I enjoy taking on new challenges, creating new opportunities and designing new programs. My passions lie in GANs. When Iâm not focused on my professional endeavors, you can find me go 14,000 feet above sea level hiking a mountain. My goal is to become a good software engineer in software field.
#!/bin/sh dir=/home/pedrosaclout/public_html/linkedinproject profession=`cat $dir/professions.txt | sort -R | head -n 1` subject=`cat $dir/subject.txt | sort -R | head -n 1` goal=`cat $dir/goal.txt | sort -R | head -n 1` education=`cat $dir/education.txt | sort -R | head -n 1` quotes=`cat $dir/quotes.txt | sort -R | head -n 1` adjectives=`cat $dir/adjectives.txt | sort -R | head -n 1` name=`cat $dir/names.txt | sort -R | head -n 1` hobby=`cat $dir/hobby.txt | sort -R | head -n 1` experience=`cat $dir/experience.txt | sort -R | head -n 1` template=`cat $dir/template.txt| sort -R | head -n 1` echo $template | sed "s/PROFESSION/$profession/g" | sed "s/EXPERIENCE/$experience/g" | sed "s/SUBJECT/$subject/g" | sed "s/GOAL/$goal/g" | sed "s/EDUCATION/$education/g" | sed "s/QUOTE/$quotes/g" | sed "s/ADJECTIVES/$adjectives/g" | sed "s/NAME/$name/g" | sed "s/HOBBY/$hobby/g" | sed "s/EXPERIENCE/$experience/g" > $dir/index.html