Mental Spaces - Joost Rekveld/Michael van Hoogenhuyze

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About perspective

"A continuing thread through the history of visual art is the idea that the artist communicates or explores a way of seeing through his or her work. In this way a work of art is not so much a representation of an object or an event, but rather an example or demonstration of how the world can be looked at. An important part of the structure of this ‘demonstrated’ perception is the way space is organized. "

About Space time

"Perspective was accepted as a ‘scientific’ and true method based on optics, but also as a model of how people could observe space, and gradually people realised that perpective was mostly about a way of looking at reality.Towards the end of the nineteenth century the concept of space changed. Scientists, artists and spiritual thinkers were highly interested in the concept of the fourth dimension, the non-euclidean geometry based on curved lines and other kinds of space that were invented in that period. One came to realize that there is a connection between space and observation and between space and movement. One of the results of this was the development of the concept of space-time by Laszlo Moholy-Nagy and Siegfried Giedion. Space was no longer a static concept, but was to be seen as a field to be navigated through."

About Cyber Space

" This space appears to be real and at the same time not geometric or not real in any physically determined way. We use completely new concepts to visualise or understand this space: rhizomes, networks consisting of nodes without any hierarchy, etc."