MCUInterfaceDesign AVRDevTools
Tools for AVR Code Development
This page describes how to install the software, libraries, etc you will need to develop C code for AVR microcontrollers (when not using the Arduino IDE)
The Tools
avr-gcc & avr-binutils:: Cross-compiler, linker & other programs needed to compile code for 8-bit AVR microcontrollers avr-libc:: Standard C library for 8-bit AVR microcontrollers avrdude:: Program to upload compiled programs to AVR microcontrollers make:: an (ancient) 'build system' that helps to run the compiler, linker & whatnot on the right files, in the right order. Hopefully...
You will also need a nice text-editor that you are comfortable with, and that can have multiple files open. For example: vim/gvim, kate, emacs (?), editra, ... or of course Xcode, for OS-X users.
Installing on Linux
This is easy. Just use your favourite package-manager to install the following packages:
- avr-binutils
- avr-gcc
- avr-libc
- avrdude
This might pull in some other dependencies, like libusb. That is fine. Just install the lot. Gnu make is very probably already installed, or else it will be pulled in as a dependency.
Installing on OS-X
Use fink or macports to install the following packages:
- avr-binutils
- avr-gcc
- avr-libc
- avrdude
This might pull in some other dependencies, like libusb. That is fine. Just install the lot. Gnu make is already installed.
avrdude hack
It's possible that avrdude does not work with the AVRISPmkII programmer. Simon de Bakker from V2_Lab has kindly shown me how to hack avrdude so that it does work.