Loitering Glossary/Pedestrian

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What does it mean to be a pedestrian

I can not ride a bike, that made me a "WALKER"

Pedestrian definitions.png

my .walking my way to get to places is not that interesting walking around to empty my brain

When I'm saying to someone that I'm going to go for a walk, I sometimes get the response like: "Where to?" as if I always to need to reach a goal

my parents used to ask me to do chores and favors because oh no why would I go on walks without any purpose, goals, or benefits

walking just a way of getting out of my stuffy bubble in the house to empty my brain, to look around and just be zigzagging through the streets.

Pedestrian definition .png

The purpose is more to walk something off rather than aiming towards a spot. It is away to maintain some space in the open

I prefer walking to places if the weather isn't too extreme, I'm never in a hurry transport is for A-B, for 1 to 0 walking is for neither, rather aimless in direction but aimful in health it's good for clearing up inner storms

either listening to the surroundings or closing off from them

I feel where people do the flaneuring I tend to want to be unnoticed, accept for greeting / politeness but other than that I just temporarily claim my walking distances as I were to be alone in a train

I talk about this walking because I feel that dull approach about what it means to be a pedestrian is rather bullshit. Plenty of people tend to want to ride their bikes, cars to get to places. I can not ride a bike due to balance problem, I never felt the urge to be the transporter vehiclist.

As if being a pedestrian isn't productive enough, as if it is bad to be dull.

What does it mean to be a pedestrian?