Life Hacks

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

PRO Tips here!

Sleep & Dreams Hacks

The Ultimate Guide to Polyphasic Sleep: How I Doubled my Energy by Sleeping only 5 Hours a Day
How to Lucid Dream Tonight – 8 Ways To Hack Your Sleep
Sleepcycle Alarm Clock App

Technical Hacks

Mental Health and Optimization Hacks

Guided Meditation

Binaural Beats

Two slightly different frequencies, played over a stereo system. The tones are separate, but are so close that they can be perceived as one tone. They are part of an emerging sound therapy, used to achieve the following:

  • reduced stress
  • reduced anxiety
  • increased focus
  • increased concentration
  • increased motivation
  • increased confidence
  • deeper meditation
  • improved psychomotor performance and mood

The Shower Principle

Made famous in the TV show 30 Rock, the shower principle is a theory that creative ideas come when one is distracted from the problem at hand, like when in the shower.
30 Rock - The Shower Priniciple

Doing Nothing

A website that encourages visitors to do nothing for two minutes (basically do not touch your mouse or keyboard for two minutes)

Emergency Pad down