
From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

Useful shortcuts

  • select img + space --> quick look
  • select img + opt + space --> full-screen quick look

Use command line for batch image processing


Install ImageMagick via homebrew if not already

  brew install imagemagick

I ran into delegate errors,

  convert: delegate failed `'ufraw-batch' --silent --create-id=also --out-type=png --out-depth=16 '--output=%u.png' '%i @ error/delegate.c/InvokeDelegate/1860.

and this fixed it.

  brew install ufraw

useful commands/scripts

1. quick review of .NEF files (copies the .NEF file and turns it into a jpg thumbnail)

  for img in *.NEF; do cp $img `basename $img .NEF`.jpg; done

2. view image info

  identify -verbose DSC_7883.NEF

2. turn .NEF into .jpg (resize can be determined after review of the image info)

v1: took too long (processing time is over 5 min per image)

  for img in *.NEF; do convert $img -resize 20%  `basename $img .NEF`.jpg;done

v2: processing time (3 min per image... hmm)

  for img in *.NEF; do convert $img -strip -quality 90 `basename $img .NEF`.jpg; done