Irma's essay : Formula of credibility

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Formula of credibility


In this essay, I would like to research how communication strategies could be used to increase the credibility of the information that is being presented. Hereby I would like to compare if there are similarities between the propaganda model of Noam Chomsky on mass media in comparison with the advertisement strategies of Sigmund Freud's nephew Edward L. Bernays.

The Propaganda Model

The propaganda model is written by Edward S. Hermans and Noam Chomsky based first presented in their 1988 book Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media. The propaganda model is a framework for analyzing and understanding how the mainstream U.S. media work according to Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky. The model explores the connection  between economic power and communicative power. They had the impression this media operates on the set of ideological premises where they are depending on the sources of the elite and participate in the interest of this elite. They often have the view  that the masses are notoriously short-sighted and are poor judges of their own interests, Herman refers to several articles in his footnotes.

This model gives structural factors, it's a model of media behaviors and performance not of media effects.

THE PROPAGANDA MODEL is based on 5 points:






The dominant media are:

imbedded in the market system

a profit-seeking businesses

owned by wealthy people or other companies

Funded by advertisers who want to appear in a supportive selling environment.

leaning on government and major business firms as information sources, this causes a certain degree of solidarity to prevail them. It's an unwritten rule that they have to stay loyal to get information or funding.

Propaganda campaigns can only occur when they are consistent with the interests of those controlling and managing the filters.

The power of the U.S. propaganda system lies in its ability to mobilize an elite consensus, to give the appearance of democratic consent and to create enough confusion, misunderstanding, and lack of interest in the general populations, all so to allow elite programs to go forward. There are also different opinions within the elite that open space for debates.

The model does suggest that the mainstream media, as elite institutions, commonly frame news and allow debate only within the parameters of elite perspectives; and that when the elite is really concerned and unified, and/or when ordinary citizens are not aware of the effective propaganda, the media will serve elite interests uncompromisingly.

Irma's research page on Noam Chomsky

Propaganda by Edward L. Bernays

You could call Edward L Bernays the father of public relations, the term that he started using because propaganda had a negative reputation connected to the war. It’s relevant to appoint that he is the nephew of Sigmund Freud because his work is very influenced by his uncle. Bernay’s was intrigued by Freud’s notion that irrational forces drive human behavior. In his book “Propaganda” Bernays hypothesized that by understanding the group mind, it would be possible to manipulate people’s behavior without them even realizing it. To prove his hypothesis, he launched a campaign to make woman smoke, in the period of 1929 this was not appropriate yet. Together with the cigaret brand Lucky Strike he developed a strategy, cigarettes were a symbol of male power, linking smoking to woman’s rights forst a feeling of independence.

Note from Irma : Coming writing topics: • How Bernay influenced politics, if he could be the first spin-doctor in the white house, and how this turning point is affecting our judgment of the politic’s today. • The connection between Noam Chomsky’s Manufacture consent and Edward L. Bernays Engineering Consent.

Research list :

  • The Century of the Self, Documentary by Adam Curtis

Irma's research page on Edward L. Bernays


.....working on it.........
