Free software
Free as in "freedom", Free Software means software that's been licensed in a way that guarantees certain freedoms, namely those to use, modify and redistribute the software without asking requiring to be paid for or otherwise given legal permission.
Rough notes
- Making a brochure (OSP)
- Imagemagick
- Protocols: OSC / UDP, Kinect (rental)
- Audio
- Evo Tutorials: Processing ()
- Evo Tutorials: Kinect (3D Input)
- Evo Tutorials: Animata (3D Models driven by (OSC) data) ...
- lxml
- Alchemy (Drawing Sketching)
- Ardour (10 speaker setup)
- Inkscape
- Blender
- gimp
- kdenlive
- Scribus
- MyPaint
- Audacity
- SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics (vector format)
- PNG - Portable Network Graphics (bitmap format)
- IXR (multiple "raw" images that are composed to adjust)
- Matroska
- OGG: A multimedia "container" (like Quicktime or AVI), that can hold audio/video
- Webm: A particular version of Matroska + VP8 video codec for publishing video online (contrast with MPEG4/H264)
Command line tools (& Libraries)
- Imagemagick: the swiss army knife of images
- sox: Sound Exchange -- tools for manipulating and generating sound files
- ffmpeg tool for encoding and manipulating audio / video
- gstreamer
- melt / mlt
- midge: Music notation (in a special text markup) to melodic MIDI
- festival: Tools to convert text to speech (wav file), the tool is text2wave
- psutils: utilities for manipulating PostScript files!
- youtube-dl: youtube-dl is a small command-line program to download videos from and a few more sites