Calendars:Networked Media Calendar/Networked Media Calendar/28-05-2015 -Event 1
Joint2: 11:00 - 17:00 Graduate Research Seminar with Steve Ruston and Janis McNab [the study, studio's or small project space, tutors will decide when they get in]
Group Janice
11:00 --
12:00 -- Ana Luisa
13:30 -14:00 - grad assessment set-up with Andre and Leslie [small project space]
14:00 --artyom
15:00 -- Mathijs
16:00-- JoaK
17:00 -- Elleke
Group Steve
11:00 -- Lídia
13:30 -14:00 - grad assessment set-up with Andre and Leslie [small project space]
14:00 -- Mihail
15:00 -- Chen
16:00-- eaC
17:00 -- nikos