Calendars:Networked Media Calendar/Networked Media Calendar/15-03-2011 -Event 1

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

11-18 | Nicolas Maleve (Michael and Aymeric)- Thematic Project

Crucially, systemic ambiguity is as much about the production as it is about the deciphering of signs.

Becoming able to read the shifting balance and distribution of forces in fluctuating patterns of uncertain signs is one thing.

Being able to produce such signs, to turn them to your advantage, is another.

— Andrew Goffey / Matthew Fuller

sudo apt-get install git-core
sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python-pip
sudo pip install pygit

dataset(zipped git repository)

from git.repository import Repository

r = Repository("./dataset")
path = "google/"
path = path.split("/")

def treewalk(tree, path):
    if not path:
        return tree
    if path[0] in tree:
        child = tree[path[0]]
        return treewalk(child, path[1:])

import codecs

seen = {}
count = 0
noname = None
for r in r.rev_list():
    b = treewalk(r.tree, path)
    if b and not in seen:
        seen[] = True
        print r.shortname
        count += 1
        fpath  = "out/%06d.html" % count
        print "\t", b, fpath
        o =, "w", "utf-8")

Reading goodiff via git & command line

Show the history of a particular file:

git log -p google/


Game Labyrinth / Lexicon

Mirjam, Danny, Fabien


- make time machine to go back in time and have extra time to work - write intro dialog

- play zork online
- python textbased adventure

- you are in a fantasy world. you are lost in the terms of service of Facebook and you are trying to navigate through it.
- you are presented with the index of the TOS of Facebook, which corresponds to different rooms. - Quest: you've subscribed you a website, your photo's have been taken down and you're looking in the TOS to see if that was legitimate.
-- Stuff that can happen:
--- you've read 3 paragraphs and now you're too tired to read any further.
--- after a while they change the TOS again.
--- if you type 'look', you can get a reply like 'by user we mean blablabla'
--- n, s, e and w can become scroll up and down. every time a small excerpt of the TOS is presented, you feel totally lost in the documents.
--- monsters in a room that steal data (you've been tagged, you want to take your tag down but you can't) you can tag with a dagger.
--- angry email from your friend 'where are the photo's from the party??'
--- you find a note with a lawyers number on it. when you call with your cellphone you find out you need 50 gold to hire the lawyer to get your photo back. (this is a wildcard, when you call the lawyer he fixes the problems for you by going through the TOS for you. Otherwise you have to play the game/go through the TOS yourself).

How to make money?:
Expansion could be: you can ascii draw paintings and sell them on Etsy >> another TOS!
Objects you find, you can sell them on Ebay >> another TOS

Levels :
First floor :
Room1 Privacy, Room2 Sharing Content and Information, Room3 Safety, Room4 Registration and Account Security.
Second floor

Timeline, Slider, Disappearance

Lieven, Inge, Fako

Historical Context

Dusan, Natasa

Simple Stats

Amy, Laura