Calendars:Networked Media Calendar/Networked Media Calendar/14-05-2020 -Event 3

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

LB1: 10:00 - 17:00 RW&RM Steve on Skype


I would like to work with you individually on planning your research as you go forward into the second year.

This trimester you produced a Presentation Text which forms the basis for your assessment in May 11.

Next trimester you will produce a ‘Text on Practice’ which gives an overview of what you have been making and researching over the year (this extends your Presentation Text).

This Text on Practice will be a useful reference at the end of trimester three when we look back at your work in the first year and prepare to move into year two.

After the break (beginning on May 13) I would like to meet with you on Skype and discuss your individual trajectory.

Agenda for May 13th / 14

We will use your presentation text as a starting point. Please compile a bibliography of five key texts (books or other media) which inform your practice. Please bring other relevant texts you have written (some of you have been given individual assignments by me, others have a writing practice which is central to the work they make.) Outcome of May 13th Meeting: a research plan for the trimester and outline for a Text on Practice.

Sign up for tutorial here:

10:00 -11:00 Thy - materials:
11:00 -12:00 Lea
12:00 - 13:00 Kamali


14:00 -15:00 anh
15:00 -16:00 Yu-Ching
16:00 - 17:00 Bojan