YOHA invisivle airs documentary
http://yoha.co.uk/invisibletalk and VIMEO
JON DOVEY all things function through database invisivle, affects people daily life but invisibly
data is invisible for most of the people most of the time but it is around us and part of the atmosheper we are in
we re born , our fist engageemnt with the world is via a database.
take the numbers and turn them to pressure
we no longer watch tv or films, we watch databases
vimeo: me meds on video(on vimeo?) NATALIE person as information!!!
artplayer.tv= video collage from youtube flaged videos
a crisis that has to do not with economy etcetc but with ur human nature
how persons perceive the current state. war, anxiety and control
it preserves and presents the aesthetics f streaming, of audio and
people can cover their identity and feel more free against censhorship and also that every crazy individual can affect the masses as a virus: mass paranoia, predictions n social network
"control the highways" go out to the out-network world!!!!!
this shows we dont anymore use archives for truth but still connected with history and identity also how humans can use archived info and knowledge to create their own historic narrative, that can be as crazy as the people also PSEYDO PARTICIPATION ++ he PRESERVES THAT VIDEOS!!!!
christofer draeger refabricating history
jeremy deller the battle of orgreave shows that history is something different than truth we archive for history no truth :industry myst be odrnizes said she thather>: history as narrative not as TRUTH
Oliver laric versions,post digital aesthetics
1st one posted online feedback from people and goes on
changes in narrative,ways of adapting
identity, trace of the other in the self
how numbers change dailty so noeone can find his way home ____deleyze non finishing
subject that become events
everyone can be an artist
the more it is known the more it is incscribed
authenticity is decided bu the viewer
filming a fil
previous cultural productions is reintrepretd in new current ideologies
every lie creates a parallel world, the world in which is truee
with famous books the first time ise actually the second rereading, coz we have encounters eome previours incarnation of it
just about everytghins has been photoshoped. new systems of insctruction
thereismorework in interepreting interpetations that interpereting things remix culture