terense mckeena
mind as so-creator or reality
WHAT is the real nature of language>?all theories leave this out
small mouth noises-low channel of communication-loose communication medium
virtual reality shows-where we create a language where we could see what we mean
language is a BEHAVIOUR ?we should have been the same before language
psyshedelics and home-work
FOR AN OCTOPUS COLOR AND TEXTURE IS THE MEDIUM OF LANGUAGE.octopus as a naked mind. wears its language.
but we invented language we dont wear it
science as such an old institution, all its assumptions been made into the greatest scientific naivity
we have a limited vocabulary of emotions
what we cannot say we cant communicate. can conceive but not communicate
lack of dmt use-failure of moral courage, fail of the poets, they didnt provide a song that would move us to go to the concert artists failed to provide the moral vision that comes from the unconsious
the arts task is to save the soul of the mankind
magic of language
internal dictionaries
you sing the world into existence, maintained in existecne by an act of rational apprehension
science said the world is independent from the act of description!!
but science analysed nature so much that wwent to that nature doesnt exist outside its decription!
the topology of meaning rather the decoding from a dictionary enabled with the language processors enebed in psilokybine experiences
why citizens dont take psychedelics
we empower our experience by insisting in authenticity
uncivil, rude, correct
primacy of experience, dignity of individual
knowledge is provisional
Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behaviour and information processing. They open you up to the possibility that everything you know is wrong.”
ideology trust intuition, reject authority, leads to ruin
keep things under control. instutions.
to the degree we commit ourselves to ideology we are poisoned
experience and ideology
what is real is experience
what are the frontiers of experience?
all are disease is that we are kept uf from the total experience
represed in areas like sexuality and psychedelic experience, because it empowers the individuals, it dissolves the dominant model of science
completion of individual is destructive to the dominators
freeing of slaves, votes to women, political enlightment should include hands off to how people wanna change their minds
intellectually, spiritually manipulated
the state is acting as the inforcing arm of the incoming culture
people would claim the authenticity of their own minds
reempowering of individual and lowering of profile of institutions especially governments
idea that be have to serve, behave and be enslaved
history is young. a global society is coming into beeing. made out of information.that was not intended to be ours. but which is ours via the mistaken invention and distribution of smallcomputers. printin press.. etc info is power and has been spilled by the clampsy handling of cybernetic revolution, the dominant culture, so its everywhere, never had the situation been so fluid
REALITY IS MADE OF LANGUAGE reality is made of language gnomes that make object from language to convince u
is reality real?
linguistic truth
language was invented so someone could lie
through language, production of ideology
psychedelics dissolve this machinery of language it shows u the relativity of your culturalviewpoint, like travel
travelling is moving from one language domain to another
culture gives su the message that everything is normal it denies experience
The syntactical nature of reality, the real secret of magic, is that the world is made of words
"In the beginning was the code, and the code was made flesh."
The mind as co-creator of our model of the world.
The mind is somehow a co-creator in the process of reality through acts of language.
If the world is code, then it can be hacked. It permits magic, because it says: Behind the laws of physics is a deeper level, and if you can reach that deeper level, you can make changes there.
"The world is made of stories, not atoms." (B.Keeney)
Ordinary Language,
Visible Language &
Virtual Reality
Language represents the most complex behavior ever observed in any animal and certainly it's the most complex thing any of us ever learns to do
We replace the unknown with the known through the substitution of words and by the time a child is two or three they have completely created a cultural mosaic of words that is interposed between them and reality. Reality from that point on is only an unconfirmed rumor brought through the medium of language and every culture accentuates different parts of reality so that in a sense every culture is a different reality. Language is the stuff of the world, not quarks or wave-packets or neutrinos, but language. Everything is made of language. All the constructs of science are actually interlocking constructs of syntax. So that's ordinary language which seems to define reality through a kind of process of lying about it. For instance by creating subject-object distinctions which are, in fact, not true to the matter, but somehow operationally necessary for us to navigate in the kind of lower dimensional space that we inhabit.
Then there is the phenomenon of non-ordinary, or what I call visible language and this is very interesting to me. This is where technology, virtual-reality, cybernetics, human-machine interfacing can actually make an impact and explore a frontier. Visual language is a transormation of the physiological impulse towards syntax into a final product, speech, which is not heard with the ears, but beheld with the eyes. It's very interesting that all our metaphors of clarity of speech are visual metaphors.
The starships of the future, in other words the vehicles of the future, which will explore the high frontier of the unknown will be syntactical. The engineers of the future will be poets.
visible language
the worls is what it appears to be creation of beautiful toys, tools, media
cultures collapse under the western beast and then they become part of its structure
western game.= create boundaries and maintaim them. categorical divisions.
drugs tha maintain bondaries= caffeine, productivity alkohol, red meat, sugar and tabaco culture
mass psychedelic experience.drug is technology
cultural experience becomes more n more hallucinatory
Now, there is a retardant force – and I call it Habit, to keep it away from concepts like thermodynamic entropy: habit
Change piled upon change piled upon change.
“Stop consuming images and start producing them.”??\\
“The imagination is the goal of history. I see culture as an effort to literally realize our collective dreams.”
Our model of what the world is is made of words, and the world is composed of description.