-Technical plan-

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki


I’ve been using photographic assemblage, together with 3D modeling, as design and illustration tool for architectural and urban planning purposes. The design would be generally worked out with software like VECTORWORKS or AUTOCAD and afterwards within the ADOBE suite tools: PHOTOSHOP, ILLUSTRATOR and INDESIGN. On private projects I’ve been using an analogue camera and learnt dark room techniques. With the digital camera I’ve been trying to explore the potential of different lenses and shooting options, based on the knowledge acquired with the analogue experiments. Working on silk print projects appeared to be also a complementary field of the darkroom techniques.

I want to be able to efficiently and creatively represent my work on a web environment, and to use this interface as tool to shape my skills and professional profile in the field of image production. I’m open for all the ingredients that this profile might have in two years from now, but I believe it will be connected with a wide variety of ways to represent spatial experiment, urban concerns and habitability quality. I would like to be able to not only display several means of representing reality (virtual or not) but also to have a hand on how this means are worked out. I would like to sharpen further my skills on 3D and photographic manipulation and gather known ledge on animation and film editing. I believe that programming might help me to handle and use better all the software I might need to achieve this purposes and in the creation of a flexible and strong web interface. I would like to keep sharp on what I actually want to achieve with programming and get some guidance on it; maybe I could indeed orient my choice from the start into the direction I just clarified. Once I have no background in programming I find it hard to judge in how far certain field of knowledge are useful for me or eventually just too broad and therefore energy consuming.