
From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki
Revision as of 02:50, 2 April 2024 by Vitrinekast (talk | contribs)
pandoc --from markdown --to mediawiki -o ~/Desktop/{{file_name}} {{file_path:absolute}}

Overall, i think i can reduce the things im working with to the following verbs (or ’ings):

  • HTML’ing
  • Repair’ing (Or break’ing)
  • Sound’ing
  • Radio’ing
  • Solder’ing
  • Workshop’ing
  • developing the interest in Permacomput’ing
  • Server’ing

XPUB Changelog


  • Start XPUB with a read-tru of the manual
  • SI22 is about radio, transmission

(not to be confused with my best experience of the summer, Touki Delphine’s transmission(reference). Their work, a 20 minute audio/light experience performed by car parts was mesmerising and super inspiring, as I am still trying to figure out ways of performance without actually being there. )

  • Prototyping: making graphs with graphviz, blast from the past with installing chiplotle.

I’ve used the thermal printer/plotter tru chiplotle to be able to create my letter for joining XPUB. At the time, installing chiplotle was such a drag that I wasn’t very motivated to redo it on this new machine. But, it turns out it was way easier then I remember it being the first time!

The topics discussed by Ola Bonati were very recognisable, and something i’d love to explore further. The future of software is nintendo DS! (Reference)Not very interested in the demoscene in all honesty. Their response to the question “How is this related to permacomputing”, was “small file sizes”, and this contest of creating the most efficient line of code is not that appealing to me.


  • Zine camp

Earlier I made a node based representation of the worm archive, of which Manetta gave the very good feedback of asking what it was other then a fancy visual (not exactly those words!), and she was very right about this. I just wanted to play around with the file structure. But the basis of this was (going to be) used during the presentation at Zine Camp. The screenshot below shows the updated version, which includes loads of metadata extracted from the files at the archive. Unfortunately due to some personal things, I wasn’t able to join the presentation. ![[1]] - Experimented with audio compression (Wiki documentation) to see what these compression algorithms would do with audio files.

Transcluded wiki page of Radio Radio

Documentation of creating the radio radio

Compressing the shit out of audio files

High res input flac

Using a combination of sox and ffmpeg, i was able to get the following step-by-step result, all towards lowering the filesize of the input audio. Mediawiki limits the use of .wav, .opus and .ogg, so slightly altered results. But using wav's, i got to the following From 25.3MB Flac to 1.7MB .mp3 and 369KB Opus!

Protocol for compression

ffmpeg -i input.flac -b:a 8k 1_output_lowest_bitrate.wav
sox 1_output_lowest_bitrate.wav -c 1 2_output_mono.wav
sox 2_output_mono.wav -r 8000 3_output_lowest_sample_rate.wav
sox 3_output_lowest_sample_rate.wav -b 8 4_output_lowest_bit_depth.wav
sox -v 0.02 4_output_lowest_bit_depth.wav -G 5_output_dynamic-range.wav compand 0.1,0.3 -60,-60,-30,-15,-20,-12,-4,-8,-2,-7 -2
ffmpeg -i 5_output_dynamic-range.wav -c:a libvorbis output.ogg
ffmpeg -i 5_output_dynamic-range.wav -b:a 192k output.mp3
ffmpeg -i 5_output_dynamic-range.wav -c:a libopus -b:a 16k output.opus

What about setting and re-setting the sample rate 117 times?

Protocol for compression

ffmpeg -i input.flac -b:a 64k between_02.mp3
sox between_02.mp3 -r 320000 between_03.mp3
sox between_03.mp3 -r 8000 between_04.mp3
sox between_04.mp3 -r 320000 between_05.mp3
sox between_05.mp3 -r 8000 between_06.mp3
sox between_06.mp3 -r 320000 between_07.mp3
sox between_07.mp3 -r 8000 between_08.mp3
sox between_08.mp3 -r 320000 between_09.mp3
sox between_09.mp3 -r 8000 between_10.mp3
sox between_10.mp3 -r 320000 between_11.mp3
sox between_11.mp3 -r 8000 between_12.mp3
sox between_12.mp3 -r 320000 between_13.mp3
sox between_13.mp3 -r 8000 between_14.mp3
sox between_14.mp3 -r 320000 between_15.mp3
sox between_15.mp3 -r 8000 between_16.mp3
sox between_16.mp3 -r 320000 between_17.mp3
sox between_17.mp3 -r 8000 between_18.mp3
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sox between_19.mp3 -r 8000 between_20.mp3
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sox between_113.mp3 -r 8000 between_114.mp3
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sox between_115.mp3 -r 8000 between_116.mp3
sox between_116.mp3 -r 320000 between_117.mp3

Then trough the previous compression syntax and an addtional denoise

Output after some compression and denoise
ffmpeg -i output.mp3 -af "afftdn=nr=10:nf=-30:tn=1" denoise_mp3.mp3

Results in 217KB of mp3! a reduction of 99.16%!

Creating a private radio stream

- using icecast and darkIce

Control the audio by moving the cursor. The snippet can be pasted into the console of a browser. I really enjoy this method of circuit bending existing webpages.

Transcluded wiki page of Mixercloud

Copy-paste this into your console! (Right click -> inspect elements > console)

Remix Mixcloud

(copy paste it into the console of your browser when visiting

var remixCloud = function () {
  var audio = document.querySelector("audio");
  var svgs = document.querySelectorAll("svg");
  var h1s = document.querySelectorAll("h1, h2, h3,button,img");
  var as = document.querySelectorAll("a");
  var timeout;
  document.addEventListener("mousemove", function (e) {
    if (!timeout) {
      timeout = window.setTimeout(function () {
        timeout = false;
        var r = 3 * (e.clientY / window.innerWidth) + 0.25;
        audio.playbackRate = r;
audio.currentTime = audio.duration * (e.clientX / window.innerWidth);

        svgs.forEach((el) => {
 = `scale(${(r, r)})`;

        as.forEach((el) => {
 = `rotate(${r * 20}deg)`;
        }); = `rotate(${r * -4}deg)`;

        h1s.forEach((el) => {
 = `rotate(${r * 10}deg)`;
      }, 100);


Adding audio elements to index files

// select all links
document.querySelectorAll("a").forEach((link) => {
    // if it includes your audio format (regex)
    if(link.href.match(/\.(?:wav|mp3)$/i)) {
        // create an audio element and set its source to yourlink
        var audioEl = document.createElement("audio");
        audioEl.src = link.href;
        audioEl.controls = true; = "block";
        link.insertAdjacentElement("afterend", audioEl)

    // or an image
    if(link.href.match(/\.(?:jpg|png)$/i)) {
        var imgEl = document.createElement("img");
        imgEl.src = link; = "block";
        link.insertAdjacentElement("afterend", imgEl)
  • Experimented with recording my found german wall clock. Not a lot of luck yet using pickups, but later i’ve discovered that maybe piezo discs could be something, and to take a look at the open source schematics around using piezo’s as triggers.
  • Tried out super collider
  • Dealt with the broken laptop and spent way too much time in an apple store.
  • Created the The Hitchhiker’s Guide to an Active Archive! At Radio Worm! Almost forgot about the fact that I originally joined Fine Arts to make games. Oh how the times change.

Transcluded wiki page of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to an Active Archive



  • Experimenting with the media fragments API after a recommendation of Michael.

Using ==metadata== coming from the worm archive.

Transcluded wiki page of the media fragments API tests

This page looked so much better in markdown...

Example of a media fragment URI URL:,100#t=20

Text below is from the Media Fragments URI 1.0 (basic)

The names and values can be arbitrary Unicode strings, encoded in UTF-8 and percent-encoded as per RFC 3986. Here are some examples of URIs with name-value pairs in the fragment component, to demonstrate the general structure:


Media fragment URI can be used on video, images, and audio(?) → altough mentioned in the spec as video only(?) but what is a video anyway...

Used on image

Following URL should show a cropped image, but it does not appear to work onchrome.,25,50,50 mentions that all browsers that have implemented something of this spec, have actually only implemented support for the #t=n,n control for selecting a range of video, and possibly track=(name) & id=(name).

Used in Audio!

I've uploaded some files to chopchop to test with

The following URL should only play the video from 00:01 to 00:02!,2

And... For mp3 it seems to work as wel!!,2

However, it does seem to fully load the file, when inspecting the request, which does not save any data being downloaded. However 2: when throttling the request to slow3g, only 277 bytes are being downloaded according to the network tab. Something to investigate further.

  • Check with charles to see if the amount of bytes are actually correct, as a reduced amount of bytes downloaded could be a positive result of using this to interact with an archive
  • However, in terms of radio, m3u8 files are already broadcasted in "blobs" → so maybe this is more relevant to look into

Further checking and reading the spec

A glossary from the spec

Media fragments support addressing the media along two dimensions (in the basic version):

temporal This dimension denotes a specific time range in the original media, such as "starting at second 10, continuing until second 20";

spatial this dimension denotes a specific range of pixels in the original media, such as "a rectangle with size (100,100) with its top-left at coordinate (10,10)";

Media fragments support also addressing the media along two additional dimensions (in the advanced version defined in [Media Fragments 1.0 URI (advanced)](

track this dimension denotes one or more tracks in the original media, such as "the english audio and the video track";

id this dimension denotes a named temporal fragment within the original media, such as "chapter 2", and can be seen as a convenient way of specifying a temporal fragment.

  • Spatial Dimension does not seem to work in chrome → clipping the video frame
  • I'm not entirely sure yet what id/track should do, and also how to set this metadata, if it is even metadata?

next steps

  • Furher understand the Media fragment URI and what the current state of the spec is
  • Read about [OggKate - XiphWiki]( an open source codec which could be used for Karaoke, but essentially allows for attaching time based metadata (see example below)
 event {
   00:18:30,000 --> 00:22:50,000
   meta "GEO_LOCATION" = "35.42; 139.42"
   meta "DATE" = "2011-08-12"
  • this2that:

Used graphviz to together with riviera figure out some small tools we could make for the worm archive.!this2thatmap.svg - Machine voice workshop by Ahnjili ZhuParris

Super interesting workshop, enjoyed the usage of these codelabs as a method of (self)documenting the code. I am a bit hesistant in experimenting with tools like machine learning, AI, etc. As i personally find them (but also know to little about this to make any actual statements) to use too much computing power to justify my own experimentation. It does tickle my beatboxing bone that I might want to use my own voice more as a source sound, in all of the sound device making.


  • Hosted workshop Circuit Bending at Grafisch Lyceum

Grafisch Lyceum wants to make their Software Development MBO more “creative”, and therefore organises inspiratiesessies to generate new ideas for courses in the teaching departement. During the workshop, I’ve shared a bit about my practice, but we’ve mostly spent time doing some bending! I was pleasantly surprised with how much we got done, and how much fun it is to play with your instrument over a big speaker.

  • attended Workshop Permacomputing @ Fiber

A 2 day workshop called Networking with Nature | Connecting plants and second-hand electronics hosted by Michal Klodner & Brendan Howell. Super interesting workshop with very interesting and diverse attendees. For instance, there was one person that researched getting electricity out of mud. ==(PIcture/video)==

  • SI22: Listen Closely

Transcluded wiki page of Listen closely

Positioned around the space are FM radio transmitters broadcasting content from Special Issue #22. These were soldered together in the studio. The transmitters are connected to an audio interface which is itself connected to a Raspberry Pi. On the Pi, Open Sound Control (OSC) messages are sent back and forth between a Python application and Supercollider, an open-source, sound synthesis engine. OSC is a protocol which aims to standardise communication between audio applications.

Radio waves are agents for public commons. Resonating through communities tuning people together. It can reach far beyond where any human will ever go. By organizing multiple FM transmitters in a confined space and tuning them to the same frequency, an isolated ecosphere of electromagnetic waves is induced. To receive the hymn of the FM signals, equip yourself with a receiver. Let your movement in space be the interface in which you engage with the signals, and experience the proximity of the radio. So take your time, and listen closely.

Ultimatly, the project didn’t fully work. But it almost did, and I think that already counts. It also resulted in my first XPUB all-nighter, where we took ChopChop and all of the audio interfaces home, to continue working after the WH building would close. Together with the Factory we’ve soldered together many radio’s, which would be used by visitors to listen to the various radio streams. If i were to create this project again, I think I wouldn’t use Supercollider, mostly due to the fact that I’m not familiar with it. And, more importantly, I would prepare for a bit more fallbacks. But YOLO.


  • Started development of the web comic! Together with a comic maker, we’ve started translating their comic “Writing down good reasons to freeze to death” to the web. The plan at the moment, is to divide the comic into multiple chapters. Readers can sign up for a mailing, and will receive a new chapter every week(ish), to make it a bit more into a slow-paced experience. We’re very inspired by the game Florence, and what remains of edith finch We’ll be using sprite-based animations, audio and low-key gamification elements to tell the story. But it’ll take a long time before this is finished.


  • Took the leap and, after being advised by someone at operator not to, decided to start my eurorack path. ## Januari
  • Joined the first JS club about jQuery
  • Saw Soulwax in paradiso. Who knew 3 drummers were better then one.
  • Battle of the node_modules, inner debates around frameworks
  • Using Pure data to create a granullar synthesizer, and investigating further on how to do this on a raspberry Pi. I think it’s great to make use of the tools i’m already familiar with, such as pure data, instead of deep-diving in a new technique every three months. ==elaborate and pic==
  • Made my first eurorack module from a kit, it doesn’t work. :(


  • JS club about Vue,
  • Oud-Charlois PCB-Dérive ==(PIcture/video)==
  • Started to investigate installing linux (or other webservers) on ipads, android phones and my old macbook. Only took 2 months to get the first linux installation going. Then discovered; what is the point of running a webserver if it’s just for yourself?

The ongoing headache of getting an android phone to work as a webserver

This document follows the process of me trying to figure out how to set up a web server on various devices. Please note that this was really not a seamless experience, and every step of the way is just me trying things (over and over again). It’s more written like an ongoing conversation with myself to keep track of things.

It’s a Sony Xperia z5, and I’d like it to work as a webserver, as I already had it lying around and it would be an interesting alternative to a non-portable-server.

  • Install documentation of postmarketOS Installation - postmarketOS
  • I have to use pmbootstrap in order to install postmarketOS on the android phone
  • I need linux in order to install it, so first installing linux trough UTM on my macbook No luck yet with installing, as the postmarketOS documentation is a bit all over the place. But i did find an article about running a webserver on the android device, might be interesting: How to host a Static Website on your Android Phone
  • install f-doid
  • install termux
  • enable ssh

Unlock the bootloader via the Sony website instructions

Steps taken:

  1. check if bootloader is possible on the device
    1. In your device, open the dialer and enter ##7378423## to access the service menu.
    2. Tap Service info > Configuration > Rooting Status. If Bootloader unlock allowed says Yes, then you can continue with the next step. If it says No, or if the status is missing, your device cannot be unlocked.
  2. Download the [platform tools](
  3. enable USB debugging and the developer tools on the android device
  4. figure out the IMEI to unlock the unlock code by dialling *#06#
    1. 354187075829298
    2. fill in that number in the unlock code generator
    3. E43DC85FEDAC79C5
  5. connect to fastboot
    1. turn off device
    2. press volume up on device
    3. keep it and plug into usb
    4. in the extracted platform tools folder, run ./fastboot devices
    5. verify that there are no errors
  6. enter unlock key

now i ran

pmbootstrap flasher flash_rootfs
pmbootstrap flasher flash_kernel

Now it should work, but it is in a startup loop so i tried again

$ pmbootstrap build linux-sony-sumire
$ pmbootstrap build device-sony-sumire
$ pmbootstrap install --android-recovery-zip
$ pmbootstrap flasher --method=adb sideload

hmm. i did some undocumented things, to get out of the loop. ultimately i ran:

$ pmbootstrap initfs hook_add maximum-attention
$ pmbootstrap flasher boot

which took it into a loop, as documented in the wiki. so i removed the hook, and now it is loading the postmarket os for a little while, stating on the devices screen that its resizing the partition now its loading…

screen is stuck… restarting the device

and its back in the sony loop

I’ve tried all of the above 2x, but keep getting the same result… This issue is documented on the PostMarketOS wiki, so it might be unusable unfortunatly.

upload pic

The ongoing headache of getting an android phone to work as a webserver

This document follows the process of me trying to figure out how to set up a web server on various devices. Please note that this was really not a seamless experience, and every step of the way is just me trying things (over and over again). It’s more written like an ongoing conversation with myself to keep track of things.


I’ve by now installed Debian 12, and need to install a package without internet. i’ve put it on a usb stick

  1. to mount the usb stick to the mac
    1. lsblk to list all devices
    2. mkdir /media/usb-drive
    3. mount /dev/{name} /media/usb-drive/
  2. now we need to run the deb file using dpkg
    1. dpkg -i {package}.deb dont forget to sudo umount /media/usb

but now i get

dpkg: warning: 'ldconfig' not found in PATH or not executable.
dpkg: warning: 'start-stop-daemon' not found in PATH or not executable.

so i did

su -

The package now installs, but it depends on wget, which is another package. So lets try to get internet by downloading the networkmanager

which needed many many dependencies, dependant on dependencies…

oh, but apparently networkManager is already installed? After I ran systemctl status NetworkManager it showed as inactive, so i restarted it using restart.

systemctl enable NetworkManager

im now installing zlibnm0_1.46.0-1_amd64.deb, which is needed to run nmcli (NetworkManager_?

so, that helped. now i can see that the wifi is on. but when running nmcli dev wifi list its still not showing any wifi spots. according to the internet i need to sudo systemctl start wpa_supplicant.service. but ofcourse, wpa_supplicant.service is not found…

This documentation is getting so chaotic

New day, new option: installed wireless tools

iwlist wlan0 scan

but this wireless chip doesn’t support scanning..?

And then I accidentally deleted the /usr folder, which broke the entire system. I couldn’t even ls anymore! Time to call it a day.

Michael left a usb stick on the laptop with a new installation of Debian 12. I’ve installed this one on the macbook, but keep running in the same issues. By now, I have gotten fast in mounting and unmounting USB sticks and manually downloading packages (that need packages and packages and packages).

Apparently I’m in need of specific non-free (free as in libre?) frameworks for the wifi card to work, but these honestly needed so many dependencies that needed to be manually downloaded one by one, that I gave up and went home.

Not the most seamless experience, and especially not the most empowering one (so far).

Ubuntu Server

Reverted so many things, installed Ubuntu server via the USB→ ethernet dongle of Michael, and now there is a server that can be ssh’d into! Ubuntu is supposed to be a bit more friendly out-of-the-box, so hopefully that will help me out. Time to finally get working on setting up the rest of the server, in more managable smaller steps: ### Things needed from a web server

  • ☐ the ip address keeps changing. how to make this stay the same? ATM it stays the same, to look into what to do if you’ve lost the ip address..
  • ☒ how to get wifi with eduroam to work?
    • ☐ Fix this warning: Permissions for /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml are too open. Netplan configuration should NOT be accessible by others.
  • ☐ Set the correct timezone
  • ☒ resize terminal text size
  • ☐ webserver
  • ☒ Changing the font-size of the macbooks display
  • ☐ SSH from a different location
  • ☐ Git intergration?
  • ☐ 404 pages
  • ☐ FTP access
  • ☐ being able to upload files
  • ☐ Mail
  • ☐ Do not shut down when lid is closed - research other ways of lowering power consumption and extending shelf life.
  • ☐ ehh how does DNS work?
  • ☐ Think about if you’d want to self host gittea.
  • ☐ change password to something more secure

How do i get the wifi of eduroam to work?

according to this gist, i need to create /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml. with the following setup

# This file is generated from information provided by the datasource.  Changes
# to it will not persist across an instance reboot.  To disable cloud-init's
# network configuration capabilities, write a file
# /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-disable-network-config.cfg with the following:
# network: {config: disabled}
            dhcp4: true
            optional: true

            dhcp4: true
                      key-management: eap
                      password: "your password"
                      method: ttls
                      identity: ""
                      phase2-auth: "MSCHAPV2"
    version: 2

and then run sudo netplan --debug apply to apply the setup. the debug does show this warning, so i need to do something about it:

** (process:1657): **WARNING** **: 12:17:05.453: Permissions for /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml are too open. Netplan configuration should NOT be accessible by others.

according to the logs, wpa_supplicant is created. but then: `A dependency job for netplan-wpa-wlan0.service failed. See 'journalctl -xe' for details.` and the apply is failed..

journalctl -xe returns

Mar 06 12:18:35 vitrinekast systemd[1]: **sys-subsystem-net-devices-wlan0.device: Job sys-subsystem-net-devices-wlan0.device/start timed out.**

Mar 06 12:18:35 vitrinekast systemd[1]: **Timed out waiting for device /sys/subsystem/net/devices/wlan0.**

Did some searching, and removed this whole thing to try something else

installed NetworkManager to be able to run nmcli d. It is so much better to do this with an internet connection!

**rosa@vitrinekast**:**~**$ nmcli d

DEVICE           TYPE      STATE         CONNECTION 

wlp3s0           wifi      disconnected  --         
enx00249c032885  ethernet  unmanaged     --         
lo               loopback  unmanaged     --         


then I turn the wifi on by nmcli r wifi on. listing the available networks by running nmcli d wifi list returns loads of Tesla wifi networks! But also some eduroam.

nmcli d wifi connect my_wifi password <password>

gives Error: Failed to add/activate new connection: Failed to determine AP security information

According to stack exchange i need to

nmcli connection add \
 type wifi con-name "MySSID" ifname wlp3s0 ssid "MySSID" -- \
 wifi-sec.key-mgmt wpa-eap 802-1x.eap ttls \
 802-1x.phase2-auth mschapv2 802-1x.identity "USERNAME" 

Turns into

sudo nmcli connection add \
 type wifi con-name eduroam ifname wlp3s0 ssid eduroam -- \
 wifi-sec.key-mgmt wpa-eap 802-1x.eap ttls \
 802-1x.phase2-auth mschapv2 802-1x.identity

then you shouldn’t unplug the usb ethernet thing and expect it to work right away (s.o.) but rather sudo nmcli c up eduroam --ask and fill in the eduroam login details there.

But, the wifi SSD apparently is incorrect? Let’s retrace some steps and try again.

I used a new netplan config:

# This is the network config written by 'subiquity'

      dhcp4: true
  version: 2
      dhcp4: yes
      dhcp6: yes
            password: "<mypassword>"
            key-management: "eap"
            method: "peap"
            phase2-auth: "MSCHAPV2"
            anonymous-identity: ""
            identity: ""
        "Schuurneus Iphone":
          password: "p1111111"

And then

netplan apply
and ip add
and ping

To verify that i now have a working wifi connection! IP:

Changing the font size

The answer was to edit the file /etc/default/console-setup and enter:



sudo update-initramfs -u
sudo reboot

OR (but the above already worked) using the setfont package

See the list of console fonts at ls /usr/share/consolefonts You might need to install them using the package fonts-ubuntu-font-family-console. You can change it system-wide instead of putting it in your .profile with dpkg-reconfigure console-setup

Creating a web server

installing nginx

sudo apt update
sudo apt install nginx

Testing the web server by going to which shows the nginx welcome page!

systemctl status nginx

The webserver serves /var/www/html and its contents

  • Made a lil plotter experiment regarding listening to servers obsidian://open?vault=Vitrinekast&file=network%20listening

    The ongoing headache of getting an android phone to work as a webserver



  • Look mum no computer @paradiso
  • Deleted visual studio code from my laptop, bye microsoft and bloated software!
  • XPUB special issue launch
    • Presentatie
    • web quilt
    • TL;DR EPUB extravaganza
    • Spoke to michael about the actual publicness of log files. To me, they seemed quuite public, but as we use sudo “bij de vleet” in the classroom, I tend to forget that admin rights are not for everybody, in that this is quite the extrordinary publication. I’m similarly hesistant with publishing alllll of this text on the wiki, as it will be visible when I’ve added the text, and if i made a silly grammar mistake, will forever be part of the wiki’s changelog. There is a reason why hardly any of my projects are actually open source. Since microsoft took github over and private repoare now free, all my repoare actually private. I see code as a method of communication, as a way of making, not as a publicattion of it’s own. Especially the final bits and pieces of a project tend to get ugly, and i would not like future employers/collaborators/clients to be able to access these wrongly idented quick fixes.


  • Life after CMD talk bij CMD
  • Will visit robert henke’s performance at tivoli!

Questions for the rest of the future of XPUB:

  • What is my ideal web-dev “stack” that I would like to explore further? Stack taken as wide as possible. What tools are in the toolbox? I’d like to continue to make a sustainable practice, from various perspectives, and this question can keep me up at night. In a professional field that keeps on overbloating their web presence with gigantic auto-playing video’s, unnecessary JS frameworks and that need to be maintained every 6 months, just to keep your over-engineered product landing pages somewhat working. I’ve always presented myself as the lazy developer, and still use that every week as an argument to avoid making things that I deem a waste of MB’s, but the land of JS frameworks is tempting, and there must be some cute little SSG tool that allows me to create a modular based web thing? (Where please i do not have to write CSS in JS!)
  • How can I relate the topics of making sound devices to the topics of XPUB (critiquing the social economical world tru zines)
    • Or is becoming part of DIY hacker culture already a method?
  • How can i prevent it all becoming about the stuffz?
  • How can these researches be shared (and why)
    • as performance kills me slowly
  • To explore further
    • Where do all these macbooks go?
    • Musical notation (Scratch Orchestra, cybernetic syrendipity)
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