User:Supisara/Special Issue 16

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Special Issue #16: Vernacular Language Processing


Jupyter notebooks for carrier-bag-of-notebooks (to be linked)

Date Link
21/09/21 XP4, 5, 6 + A House of Dust
27/09/21 XP7 + NLTK1
04/10/21 XP8 + NLTK2
08/11/21 XP15

Jupyter notebooks from tryouts for the Annotation Compass at Varia: 01 02
Sample snippets for printing filtered labels with coding assistance from Kamo:
01 for keyword search

   filtered_labels = []
   for label in data_json['labels']:
       if 'table' in label['text']:

02 for user IDs

   all_userIDs = []
   for label in data_json['labels']:

Group exercises

Date Pad Description Output
22/09/21 RW&RM Intro, first reading and writing workshop Emoji markup with Jian, Kamo, Erica. Annotating a reader with emojis to indicate the beginning and endings of each person's side notes, questions, distractions, references, etc. Annotations became interruptions that were woven into the original reader and transformed it into reader 2.0.
28/09/21 SI16 On orientation & navigation Text traverse + keyword geotag with Alex, Jian: selecting, combining, and rearranging texts from multiple readers to create a new one to perform with. Keyword repetition is used as a text navigation tool/method, so performance can vary (for example, start/stop reading at specific word).
05/10/21 SI16 Text processing 1.) Soliloquy slow processing with Chae, Miriam, Carmen (lines 111-156): selecting a linguistic pattern to apply to a literary device. Contribution: invisible spellcheck annotation
Letter ghosting / sticky spellcheck and punctuation

2.) Magic words glossary with everyone: text processing with special customized commands/incantations for a collaborative spell book

06/10/21 RW&RM Reader prototypes From pad to bubbles with Kamo, Alex: converting chaos to calm in the form and flow of chat bubbles
12/10/21 SI16 Transcription processes Multilingual multitasking with Mitsa: transcribing while recording, listening, thinking, editing, then generating translations in two more languages
01/11/21 Prototyping Custom corpora Concrete Label (pad, tool (WIP)) with Kamo: manually filtering/annotating concrete poetry. Contribution: sample concrete poetry reading
Initial mockups


Related resources from workshops, station skills, discussions:

Date Topic Description Source
06/10/21 Cybernetic Dreams: Arduino + sensors: an artificial nervous system with Dennis de Bel Workshop
07/10/21 Cybernetic Dreams: Speech-to-derive: the myth of natural language with Federico Poni and Francesco Luzzana Workshop
09/10/21 Cybernetic Dreams: Soul of the Beast: The Magic of Chance/Chaos with Telemagic Workshop
17/10/21 Machine Listening: Unnatural Language Processing by Liquid Architecture x Unsound Workshop
23/10/21 Cassette Hacking with Dogbotic Labs Workshop
04/11/21-02/12/11 Smart Textiles with Bram van Waardenberg Station Skill
06/11/21 Zine Camp: Glyph Assembling Workshop by Júlia C Aguair Workshop
06/11/21 Zine Camp: E-Zines off the Grid by Florian Cramer Workshop


and/or reflections, side thoughts, curiosities, rabbit holes

  • processing is time and environment-based
  • rejection as a vernacular processing method: masks, magnetic field, compressed directions/decisions, simultaneous selection + omission, frame rates of events/active-inactive states, physics (collision/energy)


2.) Vernacular processing methods: archived here (for now)


Collective and individual contributions for Special Issue 16: Learning How To Walk While Catwalking

Phase Description Output (Collective) Output (Individual)
1.) Processing 1.) The vernacular, rejections, the API, SI16 subgroup work distribution 1.) Rejection as form of VLP: pad, wiki
2.) SI16 Group meetings pad
1.) Visualizing rejection as a compressed decision-making process, a selection ↔︎ omission process via interaction with space, a force
2.) Understanding the API as "a personifcation of something that's intended to be functional, in that we assign the API a particular behavior so that it does the unexpected. For instance [re: "Learning How To Walk While Catwalking"], a cat-like API––unpredictable, playful, does the opposite of what you ask. The vernacular makes the intimidating a commonplace and [more] approachable."
3.) Understanding SI16 as
Si16 processing 1.jpg
Si16 processing 2.jpg
2.) Production 1.) "Annotation Compass" with Alex, Emma, Jian, Kamo, Kimberley
2.) "Inverse Annotations" project showcase
1.1.) "Selection Process" with Kamo, Jian, Kimberley: pad, wiki, page, tool
1.2.) "Annotation Compass" project
2.1.) "Inverse Annotations" pre-launch tryout at Varia––submitted results:
2.1.1.) Combined (click on "load"): 01
2.2.2.) Individual: 01 02 03 04 05, 06 07 08 09
1.) "Selection Process" experiments:
1.1.) Subjective map
Selection process 09.jpg

1.2.) Subjective map with filters (mockups): 01 02 03
1.3.) Non-map
Sample 1

2.) "Inverse Annotations"
2.1.) Project showcase
2.2.) Image for launch at Varia
2.) SI16 Visual Identity with Kimberley, Alex, Kamo, Gersande 1.) Tryouts:
2.) Package: guidelines, icons, pictograms, stickers
1.) Initial mockups:
1.1.) R1 01 02 03 04
1.2.) R2 01 02 03 04 05
1.3.) R3 01 02 03 04 05 06
1.4.) R4 01 02 03
1.5.) R5 (animation test) 01

2.) Communication materials for event launch:
2.1.) Instagram announcement, launch
2.2.) Facebook

3.) SI16 Front End with Kamo, Emma, Chae 1.) Mockups: Figma
2.) Website: SI16
1.) Initial mockups:
1.1.) Homepage: 01, 02, 03
1.2.) "Annotation Compass" page: tool, upload page, icons
1.3.) Projects page
1.4.) Header variations
1.5.) Favicon

Next steps

1.) Reflection see wiki
2.) Further research/developed interests

No Topic Description Reference
1 INDD processing time "Selection Process" animation, navigation
INDD 1-1
2 HTML markup Variations of "Inverse Annotations"
HTML 1-1
HTML 1-2
3 Sticker script Leftover stickers from cursor hover from SI16 website
Hover 1-1